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90 Days to Silver YOU CAN START TODAY!

90 Days to Silver starts today and you can jump in and join us anytime. Don’t know what that is? It’s my free step-by-step 90-day plan that will put you on the path to the rank of Silver in Young Living. I do a post every day for ninety days to guide your activities, provide resources and support your growth to Silver.

What do you need to do? You will follow the activities I teach you every day. If you are familiar with my courses, you might wonder what the difference is between 90 Days to Silver, Go for Gold, and Cutting Edge. 90 Days to Silver is the free challenge you can join at any time. Go for Gold is the system you need. It’s me documenting the system and teaching you how you do things. I hit the rank of Gold in Young Living in 6 months. It typically takes four to five years, so that was astounding to people. Go for Gold is just the documentation of the system I used. I am a systems and processes girl.

Cutting Edge is essentially me working the system for you. It’s like you being an extension of my own team. You’re not in my downline but Cutting Edge membership is like being an extension of my team. My builder group is open to you when you’re in Cutting Edge. You’re in my builder group and you’ll learn what I’m teaching my own builders. I talk more about that in the short video at the top of this blog.

If you’ve been waiting for somebody to come along and say let’s do this thing already, then this is for you. We are seeing people who haven’t had anyone enroll in a year see 17 new people join their organization. It’s not just about signups. We’re increasing OGV or organizational volume. We’re bringing back in people that were getting ready to go inactive. What kind of income can you earn if you are a Silver in Young Living? You can check out the Income Disclosure Statement here.

I’m calling it a refresher for your business. Maybe there was a sloughing away that was happening. Maybe there was a dying that was happening. This is springtime. It’s springtime in Cutting Edge. We’re experiencing regrowth. We’re not waiting on anybody. We’re not waiting on approval. We’re not waiting for anyone to wave their magic wand. We’re doing this. Join us in YL Goldgetters 2.0 here and get ready for the best 90 days ever!

Have the Best Day
