Divi Marketplace

Affiliate Marketing: Website or No

Do you need a website to do affiliate marketing? To do affiliate marketing for the long run, that can create legacy income, yes. I recommend that you have a website. I also recommend that you have a website with excellent SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I can help you there.

Of course, you can share affiliate marketing on social media but that is somewhat limited. Posts on social media are only viewed for a certain period of time so you end up being somewhat of a dancing bear presenting every day and only creating income when you do. Do I recommend you include social media in your strategy? Yes. I’ll show you how to integrate social media and your website to create income from home in flexible hours.

When people are ready to make a buying decision they go to Google. We look things up, compare products, and look for the best deal. I’ll show you how to do it the right way – not the lazy way. I’ll show you how to be an incredible affiliate marketer, but you have to double down on yourself.

I can show you how to build a website. You can start with this link for incredibly affordable hosting here. I also recommend WordPress because it is a SEO beast which means your site can get seen. You’ll also need to pick a theme and I suggest you check this one out here. This is as simple as easy as it gets. The customer support you will get with this company is also unreal.

I took care of the research for you and I’ll make this easy.

I’m focused on this like a laser beam because I’m seeing a recession in our future. I’m focused on giving you tools you can use to help make your family recession proof. This video is where I break down more details. Join us in our free affiliate marketing challenge by being a part of my Facebook Group where I’m helping everyday start and grow home based businesses here.

Have the best day!

xo Martha

P.S. To find out how to make money without spending money, read this blog.