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Amazon Affiliate 101: Finding and Verifying Your Link

Big news for affiliate marketers – Amazon Prime Day is coming up. It’s almost bigger than Black Friday for Amazon and tons of people will be headed there to shop. So here’s what you need to know. Amazon has a 24-hour cookie. What is a cookie? In this capacity it’s a tracker that tracks people after they’ve clicked on your link. Since the cookie lasts 24 hours – you could get a percentage of anything they purchase on Amazon for 24 hours after following one of your links. This is one of the reasons influencers get excited around the holidays/prime day. It’s like Christmas in July.

If you haven’t signed up for the Amazon Affiliate program, that is step one. Today we are going to talk about how to create your link, verify the link and make sure you get the link where people can use it. I’ve used the wrong link before and I lost money because I didn’t realize the link Amazon generated for me wasn’t associated with my account for some reason. When you follow the easy steps I’m sharing with you today you can make sure that won’t happen to you! First things first make sure you are logged into your amazon account. If you aren’t sure where to log in – google amazon affiliates. Next you search for something that you would like to share. I wrote a blog on some simple tricks for sharing your links here. 

 I’m fasting so I’m sharing the book I’m using to guide me through my fast – that’s affiliate marketing done the right way!

One you find an item you want to recommend it’s time to grab your shareable link. I show you exactly how to do that in this short video.  Once you have your link you are going to want to check that link to be sure it works and is attached to your account by going to Amazon Affiliates  link checker. If your link isn’t working, make sure you aren’t operating in an incognito browser. Bonus tip for today is I often share low-cost items because it’s more likely that people will click through them and grab something that you recommend. I’ve got a free training on Affiliate Marketing you can check out here. 

