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Amazon Affiliate PRIME DAY: How to explain Prime Day while sharing your link

Prime day it is kind of like Black Friday for Amazon – think of it like Christmas in July. In this blog I’ll explain how to share your links. The best way to do this is to get prepared in advance. If you are in AMU you know how to rock this – if you aren’t keep reading. If you are reading this after Prime Day this strategy is excellent for any busy day on Amazon (think Black Friday).

First things first you need to know who you are talking to and what they want.

Who are you talking to? Who are you serving? If you are offering deals on Hot-wheels when you are talking to people looking for health solutions you’ve missed the mark. Think about what you needed when you were working through a challenge. What are the items you use and love everyday around your home?

Here is a great example. Right now I’m doing a 30 day fast so what I’m talking about, and what people have been asking me about, is the appetite suppressant I am using. It’s an appetite suppressant specifically for people who are fasting.  It’s a little packet with powder that you pour into water and it satiates you. It helps with intermittent fasting as well. I’ve been sharing the link with folks so today I’ll do a post because it aligns with my life. It makes sense for what I’m doing.You can check out the appetite suppressant here and you can watch me walk through how share your links in this short video here. 

 I’ll share a post and under that I’ll write something like “Hey, I don’t know if you knew Amazon Prime day is coming up and this is how and why I use one of my favorite products.  If you don’t use Prime, this is why we love it. We love the free shipping, free videos, free eBooks and the free music! Did you know all of that was included in Prime?” It’s that easy. The reason I write these blogs is because there are so many families struggling and affiliate marketing can help you fill those gaps in your budget. This was my first income stream and I share how to grow multiple income streams from home without being skeezy. You can check out my free training on this income stream here. 


