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The Step I Took BEYOND Forgiveness That Changed My Whole Life Today I’m sharing the step I took beyond forgiveness that literally has changed my whole world. We all have people in our lives that we need to forgive. In my case I had people let me know that there was someone saying...
How Your Facebook Settings and Profile Picture Might be Holding Back Your Business
If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, it’s easy to get wrapped up in focusing on your product or service. Here’s the thing. People aren’t going to know about your amazing product or service if they can’t find you. It’s possible that your Facebook settings and...
MORE Real Stories from The 11 Day Jumpstart I love sharing real-life testimonials about the 11-Day Jumpstart from the members themselves. Today Lisa is sharing why she jumped into the 11-Day Jumpstart and what results she experienced. You don’t want to miss this. To...
Real Stories from the 11 Day Jumpstart It’s time to take control of your health, your happiness, and your life. That starts with loving, respecting, and giving yourself the time, you deserve to be the best version of yourself. The 11-Day Jumpstart is how I took...
You’re watching a Bat Signal 1:1 in progress… Who do you serve in your business? I call that person your Bat Signal. If you’ve followed me for a minute, you know this is the first and potentially most important thing to identify in your business. This is also one of the...
How to start a business with your KID! How would you like to help your kids start a business? This sets our kids up for so much in their future. I’m not talking about a million-dollar Shark Tank business I’m talking about a business from home where you can teach...
The Kona Challenge – Hawaii Anyone?
If you haven’t heard about the Kona Challenge, Young Living is having an amazing contest with great prizes that can be earned, including a trip to Hawaii. I’m here to help you rock this challenge. I’ve done it before and trust me – Hawaii is gorgeous. This is a great...
The 11 Day Jumpstart (how it’s going) How is the 11-Day Jumpstart going? The 11-Day Jumpstart is the program my Young Living team and my Cutting Edge Students are in that reflects the way my own family has figured out how to reduce inflammation in our own...
Light Some Young Living FIRES Today! Who is ready to light some Young Living fires today? We're going to start getting on influencers’ radars and get them curious. That’s how we're going to light some fires today. We're lighting the kindling today....
The Easy Way to Introduce Young Living Members to Loyalty Rewards What is the easy way to introduce our Young Living members to Loyalty Rewards? This is a place people can get kind of awkward. One of the best ways to think about it is - "How would you talk about it if the person you were...
How to get ready for the next Young Living contest How can you get ready for the next Young Living contest? I know what we need to be doing today. When you do this, you avoid that hurry-up and instant panic that happens when a new contest is announced, because you haven't...
The 3 Day Life Change…Revisited You might have caught my earlier blog on the 3-Day Life Change. You can check it out here if you missed it. This is about becoming a new version of yourself in order to reach those goals you have for 2023. A lot of people's...
Day 1 of the 11 Day Jumpstart!!!! Hey hey, it is Day 1 of the 11-Day Jumpstart! If you are interested – and you should be – let me explain. This is not a lose weight quick program. It teaches you the proper ways to eat. It teaches you portion control. It...
End of 2022 HACK (Action item to crush 2023) This end-of-year hack is what's going to help you crush 2023! Sometimes when I give you items to do it’s for the next month or two. This is going to make an impact even if you only do it for 2-3 days. I'm asking you to do...
How to become the best version of you necessary to REALLY SUCCEED What's it going to take for 2023 to actually be different than 2022? How can you become the version of yourself necessary to really succeed? If you want 2023 to be different but don't know how that's going to happen, I’ll...
How Your Life Can Grow Your Young Living Business With Ease How can your life grow your Young Living business? I heard somebody say that the modeling of a transformed life will transform a culture. I had to let that sink in and I want you to let it sink in right now. This is about...
My Promise to You for 2023 My promise to you in 2023 is that I will show up every day, Monday through Friday. I have done that for years, and I will continue to do that for you. I will continue to show up. I will continue to be the first person you...
The Only 2023 Goal Blog You’ll Ever Need To Read Ready for the only goal blog you need to read for 2023? This is going to be a lot about mindset because let's be very realistic - the enemy loves to get into our minds and our belief system and then we don't move. We sit in...
How To Kick Your Anxiety To The Curb How can you kick your anxiety to the curb? We live in a world that gains from us being anxious. The world around us would love for us to be off-kilter and unbalanced. Because then it wants to help us get back on track. It...
How To Go from Zero To Star in Young Living How can you go from Zero to the rank of Star in Young Living? If you go to the compensation plan you’ll see that you need to be a Brand Partner to earn money and rank. It costs less than $15 to become a Brand Partner. Once...
How To Set Yourself Apart From 6 Million Other Brand Partners in Young Living How do you set yourself apart from 6 million other Brand Partners in Young Living? How do you set yourself apart in any business? What makes you different? Also, let me explain what doesn't make you different. Whenever you...
Why You Can Run Your Entire Young Living Business on Ningxia Red Alone A lot of people look at their Young Living business and think they need to know everything there is to know about essential oils. I even thought that when I even started. At the end of the day that just doesn't matter. You...
How to run your business during the holiday week Have you stressed about how to run your business during the holiday week? If you’ve struggled with being present, guilt, and hustle culture I’m going to go ahead and release you from that. It’s time for you to give yourself...
The 30 Day “No Complaining” Challenge Today’s blog is about the 30-day no-complaining challenge. I started the 30-day no-complaining challenge - there are no details - you just don't complain for 30 days. What you do instead is you draw close to God. Whenever we...