Divi Marketplace

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business coach

the “martha-verse”

Once you’ve watched Martha’s YouTube channel, read her book, and immersed in the “Martha-verse”, the next step is her group coaching.

This is where she gets on a zoom and literally answers people’s questions there. And not only does she answer the questions, she goes into why she answers the way she does, so in essence, she is also teaching people good decision making while answering questions. Martha’s group coaching will turn your entire business right-side-up and massively profitable, no matter what the business is.

explore martha’s youtube

read martha’s book

read martha’s blog

home-based revolution

group coaching


HBR is the creme de la creme. It not only shows you how Martha grew her multiple income streams in service to the community in 5-10 hours a week, but she also fields group coaching calls herself every single week, where she drills down on specific student questions so everyone gets clear and ultimately wins.

let’s get to business

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Martha has proof for days that her stuff works, it’s time for YOU to give yourself the unfair advantage of seeing her teaching all of the new, ground-breaking tactics that are crushing it in this ever changing world. The strategies always remain the same over time, but the TACTICS…..those are the things you need to make sure you’re on top of, because those are ever changing and get old fast, and therefore stop working because everyone does them.

Stay on top of those tactics with new ones coming out every month, with a bonus of Martha teaching a new income stream every month as well.