Divi Marketplace

Day 1 of Traffic and Conversion Summit!

I’m writing this from San Diego on day one of the Traffic and Conversion Summit (TNC).  I first attended TNC virtually because I couldn’t afford to come in person. I was just starting my business. In fact, TNC is the first thing that moved the needle on my business.

To be fair I had a background in this business from when I worked at Godaddy.  I knew what should work.  I knew what is likely not to work. I just needed some more details about what to do and how to do it. Unfortunately, I took courses from people who were teaching things that I knew wouldn’t work.

So, Traffic and Conversion Summit (TNC) was one of the first places where I was felt like this is it.  This is what might actually really be helpful for me. So, I dug into that stuff. I supplemented what I was learning with my own knowledge.  I had a solid start and virtually attending TNC filled in the blanks.

Then, I was able to start trying and failing.  You guys, I went through a long period of trying and failing.  When you first start, you will almost always fail. That’s normal. It doesn’t mean something isn’t for you. In reality, it’s never gonna work the first time.  I’ve never ever seen it work the first time.  Not just in my own life but in my friends’ lives.

Nobody hits right away. In the beginning, you try and fail – or as marketers call it – you test.

Most people hate marketing because it costs money to test. That is one of the reasons I come to you day in and day out. I’m always going to show up to help you and hopefully, that means you will require less testing. I’ve done the testing and I know what works in different industries and different niches. I talk more about that in the short video at the top of this blog.

I share what I’ve learned through the Affiliate Marketing University Course and my monthly membership The Inner Circle that you can check out here. I share daily action items that can help you grow your business and you become part of an amazing community. Having good people around you can make all the difference. I  wrote about that in this blog. Join us and limit what you have to test as you grow.

Have the Best Day

