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Do Less, Grow More! How and When to Pick the Right Virtual Assistant

The Mini Me Model is what so many businesses need to launch their growth to the next level. How many times in your business have you thought “If I could just get help with this one thing I could focus on what I love about my business!”

You might be ready for a Virtual Assistant, a Mini-Me. How can you determine if it is time for you to find your Mini-Me? The steps are easier than you think! I have even better news. I can show you how to manage this critical piece of your business so you get the support you need at a price that might surprise you.

It is more affordable than you think and here is how to begin!

Make a list of what you do every day. Now – make a list of what you wish you were doing every day. Now that you have your lists, circle the tasks you love doing. You might also circle the things that you feel you have to do. There are some things that are so close to your brand – so close to your talent that you need to be the one to show up. Your next step is to look at your lists and determine what can you outsource? But how can you find the right Mini-Me?

Let’s face it, most business owners come to this point when they are swamped! In a panic you realize you can’t get everything done and rush to find a Mini-Me. This can be a real challenge. You need to find the right fit. Well, when I see my people facing challenges, I create solutions! So, I created a VA Agency that you can count on and trust.

We keep costs as low or lower than other VA Agencies. Why? Because we are on a mission to create millionaire families – and accessibility is critical to me. If you want help from my VA team, we are super reasonable and responsible with your brand. Just email hello@salesdrivenvirtualassistants.com and we will have a chat.

To join us for the workbook and the deep dive on how to find your Mini-Me jump into The Changemaker’s Den for just $1 here, then only $37/month.

You can also jump into my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses.

Have the best day!

xo Martha