Divi Marketplace

How I Make My Vision Board (and have to keep re-making because it becomes real)

Today I’m sharing how I make my vision board. I have to keep updating it because the things on my vision board keep coming true! I’m going to give you a look into my process. I know, whenever I first heard about making vision boards, I was like OK, how is that supposed to work? I don’t have time to for that. I’m not the artsy girl. I am all about strategy, right? So, when I thought of vision boards, I immediately counted myself out. What I want to show you is even if you’re not creative, I’m gonna give you the system that will work for you.

First and foremost, I don’t treat a vision board like it is the reason things happen. On a fundamental level, that’s not how I approach it. My very first step is to pray about my goals.  I’m a Christian and this is what I do with everything.  So, what I would suggest for you guys that are the praying sort is, before you even get started, pray over it.  Pray for a vision. I talk more about how I do that in this short video.

Then you grab magazines pertaining to the different goals that you have.  You look for pictures and/or words you can cut out and include on your vision board that represent your goals. I have some quotes on mine. I have some goals, and this all is built around what I believe is God’s will for my life. Now that could change. When it changes you update your vision board. This isn’t about things you want – it’s bigger than that.

Think about how you see your impact in the world.  How does what you do affect people’s lives?

I’m putting pictures of people fearlessly living the life of their dreams on mine. Next, you spend time focused on that vision board daily. I’m adding something new to mine this year. I love what I do. I love serving. I also realize that I’m looking for things that bring me quiet time. When you reframe things and focus on your big goals everyday – it can make all the difference. It might help to start with this litmus test – do you feel good about what you do? I shared a blog about that here.

Have the Best Day

