Divi Marketplace

How Tara Went From Defeated As A Mom & Small Business Owner To Determined & Inspired To Succeed

Tara Hills was living her life as an introverted homeschooling mom in a big family just going through the motions day to day. Nighttime however was a different story.

At night she worried. Her husband works a local trade and while they never missed a meal, she knew they were only 30 days away from needing help if ANYTHING went wrong. She never told anyone. She knew an injury or illness could mean real disaster but sharing that concern could mean inviting intrusive comments and judgements. That wasn’t what she needed.

Privately she was scared and felt defeated and didn’t see a way to change things. Over the years she had tried her hand at this and that to add to the family’s bottom line but nothing ever took off.

One day her sister Meggan shared that after 13 years of trying to find success as an entrepreneur Meggan was earning 10K/month doing something she loved working only 5-10 hours a week. Tara’s first question was “Is it legal?”

After a good laugh she followed in her sister’s footsteps and jumped into The Home Based Revolution. Meggan also encouraged her to sign up for Big Think – a program focused on Mindset. It was exactly what Tara needed to weather a storm she didn’t even know was on the horizon.

In a short period of time four of Tara’s eleven children received learning related diagnoses. She broke down feeling completely lost. Then she remembered what she learned in Big Think and instead of burying herself in shame, guilt and fear she had a breakthrough.

Big Think helped Tara take what could have been a breaking moment and turned it into a breakthrough.

How many moms understand that feeling of heartbreak and worry? Big Think taught Tara that nothing comes from beating ourselves up and gave her the tools to change everything. Watch Tara’s amazing interview here.

To hear more about her incredible journey grab the book here and read her chapter. This success is accessible for EVERY FAMILY out there. We are all the same. We LOVE our families. We want to make income from home.

Watch families doing it and you will realize that you can do it too!

Jump into my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses.

Have the best day!

xo Martha