Divi Marketplace

How to Avoid the 90 Day Stall in Your Business

I’ve been an entrepreneur for many years. What I noticed in the beginning was how hard it was to keep the momentum going in my business. I would start out really well but after a while it felt like I would hit a wall. Hitting that wall meant that I would lose the momentum I had worked so hard to gain.

It got pretty frustrating to feel like I was on a rollercoaster ride I hadn’t signed up for.

When I realized what was happening, I found a way to keep myself going even at that typical ninety-day stall. What I did was surround myself with mentors who kept me challenged and motivated through any slumps I was feeling.

Just being around a bunch of motivated entrepreneurs who were impacting the world in a big way was enough to keep me focused on my goals. It was enough to keep me looking at the mountaintop that I was not only heading to myself, but also bringing others along with me.

I knew that because this had been a challenge in my life, it was likely going to be a challenge in the lives of my people as well.

That’s just a by-product of attracting your people to you. They are a lot like you.

Because I struggled with staying on task and staying motivated, I knew my people would too. That’s why I decided to start doing masterminds every ninety days. The people who were at the last one were blown away by the content and what it did for their focus and businesses.

And guess what?

There’s another one right around the corner.

On August 28th and 29th we are doing another mastermind with some epic leaders in entrepreneurship.

If you want to be held accountable to your goals so that you can crush the rest of 2021, don’t miss this.

Your success is my north star. I win when you win. This is what I needed when I was starting out and that’s why I am committed to keeping you focused on your goals.

When you stay focused, you crush—it’s as simple as that.

Grab your ticket here and let’s gooooo!

Have the best day and see you next time!

xo Martha