Divi Marketplace

How To Convert The 96% Of People Scrolling Past Your Posts (Part 2)

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. In business, education, coaching and sales that is everything. If you aren’t communicating with your customer clearly the first time, you may never get another chance. They may never know that you have exactly what they need, because they aren’t hearing what you are saying.

You only speak to 4% of the personality types that are just like you. That leaves 96% of the population on the outside not hearing what you are saying. Here is the great news. I have two tools for you that will completely change the game and help you convert that other 96% of your audience.

Let’s say you need to make a call-to-action post. How would you like help writing that post? First, I’m getting my copy written for me. That’s right, I’m using a tool that helps me write the copy that will persuade my audience. You can watch me use that tool in this short video. The copy that gets created is a solid start. You can grab the copywriting tool I’m using here. When you use this link, you get a trial of 10k words or 5 days, whichever comes first. But wait, there is more.

I have a tool to help you connect with and convert the 96% of your audience you don’t naturally connect with.

Can you imagine how powerful that is? I use the second tool to analyze the copy using psychology to help you translate your copy so all types of people can truly hear what you are saying. You can grab that psychology buying tool here. It is only $1 for the first month when you use the discount code “BANK”, then it just goes up to $99/month after.

Communication is everything. Isn’t it amazing to know that there are tools to help us ensure we are connecting with our customers? These tools can even help you brainstorm video ideas! You won’t be stuck everyday wondering what to post about, what to make a video about. I share in this blog how you can quickly and easily create all the topics you need. Once your customers know what you have to offer – that is when you can truly make an impact. Let’s go!

Have the best day!

xo Martha