Divi Marketplace

How to Grow Passive Income With Your YouTube Channel

Your YouTube channel should be helping to move the needle on your income streams.

It’s as simple as that but first things first, you need to have a niche topic. Have a different point of view on something that you talk about that maybe everybody else talks about too. For example, I talk about building businesses online and what sets me apart is that I talk about how to do it organically without using ads.

For your topic and what you want to talk about – what’s your point of view? What sets you apart? What makes you different from everyone else? Research the other people that are talking about the same thing so that you can see how you’re different. We have to be so diligent about not being like everybody else because everyone’s default setting is to do things like other people are doing them.

There are thousands of people looking at that one person talking thinking they’re going to do it like them. That’s why you need to do it like you.

The next thing to do is to set up affiliates to monetize your channel. Affiliates just means that you get a certain percentage for sharing a link to a product that you use that you’re an affiliate with that company for. Affiliates are warm entry points. What’s the first thing you do when you go to buy something? You look for reviews or for someone you know using that thing, right? When you share an affiliate link you can just say “oh by the way, this is what I use for…” it’s a way to share a review with your people.

Affiliate marketing is a long game meaning that it takes about a year for YouTube to start putting it in front of people. It’s just how it goes but don’t let that stop you from getting started. If you’re going to have success in a year, why would you stop now? How committed are you to multiple income streams?

A year from now you’re probably not going to say that a year is too long if you get started now.

For the rest of my points on this, go ahead and watch the video I did right here.

Feel free to jump into my Facebook community where I am teaching you (for free) how to make seven figures from home.

Have the best day!

xo Martha