Divi Marketplace

How to Grow Your business Without Ads

In last week’s intensive in Changemaker’s Den we got super nerdy in the best way! It’s all about the easy buttons to getting great SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your website. This is critical so your people can easily find you and work with you! Have you ever felt like you had exactly what your people needed but they just weren’t buying it? Well friend, maybe they just weren’t seeing it.

Search Engine Optimization is the key to getting your business seen by your people on the internet.

I can help you maximize your SEO and make sure you’re able to serve your audience. First, I’m arming you with knowledge. Did you know that seventy-five percent of people searching the internet to purchase something, never even look on the second page of search results? If you aren’t on that first page, you don’t have a chance to be part of the purchasing decision. The players on those top pages are in the big leagues and you can be there as well.

There are tons of myths out there about how you can get found by your people. I’m dispelling those so you won’t waste time or money. I’ll teach you about the double-edged potential of keywords and how to make sure you are using the right phrases and words in the right places to improve your site’s visibility. I show you the non-negotiables your site needs to based on what Google values. In this intensive I teach you exactly how to maximize your website’s SEO.

I teach four intensives designed to grow your business each month in Changemaker’s Den. This content can explode your business and it’s only $1 for your first month and $37 per month afterwards. Join us in Changemaker’s Den here and catch the replay of this SEO training so your people can find you! If you want help editing/updating your website, or plain don’t have the time for it, we help with that as well, so just shoot us an email at hello@salesdrivenvirtualassistants.com and we’ll get you taken care of. If you’re looking for how to grow your Facebook group without ads, I wrote a blog about that here.

Have the best day!

xo Martha