Divi Marketplace

How To Write a Compelling Blog Posts In 5 Minutes Or Less (Seriously)

Would you like to know how to write a blog post, a compelling blog post, in five minutes or less?  I’ve got the tool for you. This is one of my favorites and I use it everyday. If you’re new to business and a solopreneur you’re doing all the things on your own.This is going to be a huge help. It’s also inexpensive.The best way to explain how this works is to show you. You can check out how I use it by watching this short video here.

You guys, at the end of the day this tool is precisely what is going to be saving your life. It’s going to allow you to create content from an SEO standpoint. When people make buying decisions they go to Google. They go onto search engines. So, you should have a website with blog posts and those blog posts should be answering questions that people are asking. We should be putting up to 5 blog posts each week and now that is easy!

When your blogs are written with SEO in mind your website moves up the search and your people can find you! How incredible is that? This is also an incredible way to serve your people by providing helpful content on a regular basis. You can follow this link to try the tool yourself and get 10,000 words or five days for free whichever comes first.

I’m telling you right now it’s the best thing I’ve ever paid for.

This is the stuff I geek out on. This software scours the internet for good content, pulls it into your writing and reworks it to fit what you need. You get high converting good content. It’s a game changer. If you understand what this means to your SEO, or search engine optimization, game it is everything. This starts pushing your website up on the search engines. How many people are sitting at home feeling like they need to hire copywriter and they really don’t! They just need to use these sorts of tools. If you’d like to check out my new weekly income stream intensive program so you can really have your income take off with your blog, you can learn more about Changemaker’s Den here. It’s my goal to give you everything you need to start and grow your home based business working 5-10 hours a week.

Have the best day!

xo Martha