Divi Marketplace

How To Write A Residential Home Listing That Sells In Just One Easy Step

Today I’m talking to real estate agents. So, if you’re in real estate, and you’re finding yourself having a headache because you didn’t get into real estate to write copy, let’s talk.  Guys, this is going to be so easy peasy lemon squeezy you’re going to lose your mind.  I’m sharing a tool that will write a compelling residential listing for you in seconds. It only takes one step. I show you how to do it in this short video.

All this tool needs is a bulleted list of what you want included in the listing. You don’t have to create or be creative in your writing in any capacity. So how does it work? Basically, the software uses AI, artificial intelligence, and it scours the entire internet, pulls back the language that is the high converting language, and writes your listing for you. A compelling listing can make all the difference and really set you apart. Real estate is one of my passions and I’ve written a short blog on other ways you can set yourself apart as a real estate agent that you can read here.

I don’t think there’s anything better on the planet for those of us that have to come up with compelling listings

I know how it feels to always try to make your listing better than the last time. How do you write your listing so it sticks out amongst the crowd? This is it! Once the AI generates the listing for you all you do is edit. You can remove things completely or swap in something that is more accurate for your listing. The software gives you so many options.  The software is going to give you fabulous copy and you don’t even need to think about it. Guys, let’s stop worrying ourselves and thinking about things that don’t require our thought anymore. There are tools for this. You can try this tool out (and get 10,000 words for free) here.

Have the best day!

xo Martha