Divi Marketplace

How You Can Implement Big Projects with Consistency

Have you ever had a big goal but struggled to reach it? I feel like that has happened to all of us at some point in our businesses. So, in today’s blog, I’m sharing how you can reach those big goals. I just launched my new website. Talk about a big project. It went live today!

I’ve been very excited about working on my new website for a while. So today I thought I would share how I went from thinking and dreaming about it to launching it. Have you gotten excited about something before but never followed through? Honestly, I think that has happened to all of us. If your mindset is getting in your way, I wrote a short blog that can help you here.

In this blog, I wanted to share how I move from inspiration to implementation. Honestly, it’s about making your dreams a reality. How do you do that? First, you functionally and systematically are fair to yourself by showing yourself grace and setting realistic expectations.

That is huge! I want you to enjoy the little steps along your journey. Stop letting the thing that is supposed to bring you joy -making your dreams come true – stress you and steal your joy. First, believe that you can make your dream a reality and then break that dream into small steps along the way.

I worked on my website for quite some time. I broke down each step and make sure I budgeted time and resources to take myself from inspiration to implementation. The week before my website went live, I focused on wrapping up the finishing touches.

You see this site is a place for me to be able to share all of the stuff that I love. It’s also a place for my friends in Cutting Edge to be able to share. I’ve got my regular website which is my business website. My new website is different. It’s about my life. This site is about our kids. This site is about health and wellness. This is about praise music and your spiritual life. It’s about all the stuff that really matters to me. I feel like I get to create an extension of myself online. I’m so proud of it! You can check it out here.

So when you are working towards making your dreams come true give yourself grace, create realistic expectations, get your mindset right and break that big goal into smaller steps. With that system, you can accomplish your dreams starting today.
