Divi Marketplace

I Want Your Freedom

My job on this planet is to make sure that every family knows how to live a life like mine.

It doesn’t have to look exactly the same, but what I’m referring to is freedom. I want everyone to have the freedom to work from home if that’s what they desire. To do what they want with their kids. To live a life that feels purposeful.
What I know about people is that when they are financially free, when their bills are paid and they have more money coming in than going out, they live from their souls. They start to give back in ways they’ve only dreamed of before. They start to serve their communities and serve their people in ways that man they’ve always wanted to do but they never had the resources to.

You give those people the resources they need and watch this world change.

This is what I’m here for you guys. This is what I believe I was put on the planet for. My heart breaks when I see moms going back to work because they have no other alternative. When I see families breaking apart because of the turmoil that financial stress is having on their lives.

One of my clients had gotten into such a tough spot financially that the thought of letting her family cash in on her life insurance policy crossed her mind. I won’t stand by while this kind of suffering is happening; I can’t. My heart is to see the family restored. I am on a mission to equip as many families as humanly possible to get into a place of financial abundance. When that happens, everything starts.

I delved a little deeper into this in this video.

Feel free to jump into my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses.

Have the best day!

xo Martha