Divi Marketplace

In Her First Month of Cutting Edge, Tanya Signed Up 17 New People After Not Having ANY for 8 Months

There’s something amazing happening in Cutting Edge. What’s Cutting Edge? It’s where I train, love, and lead Young Living (YL) Business Leaders just like they are on my own team. I share real-life strategies that are working today mixed with common sense and easy-to-do activities that can continuously grow your YL business.

Tanya joined Cutting Edge and after not having anyone sign up for 8 months – she now has 17 new people!

Maybe you can relate to what happened in Tanya’s business. Her life got busy, business mentors left, and she was unsure of which direction to go. She joined Cutting Edge and finally found the step-by-step system, encouraging community and daily prayer that she needed. She doesn’t have to think about what to do each day – it’s literally drawn out for her. You can check out where Tanya shares her amazing story with me in the short video at the top of this blog.

I created Cutting Edge so anyone could get the resources they need to grow their YL Business. I thought about all the spots where people get stuck in their businesses and created resources to push past those points and find success. I do opportunity calls for us. I teach your business builders as they come in for the first 90 days. That’s all included.

The spirit of the group is everything. I have my own strategists coming in alongside members to make sure that everyone is supported. It’s amazing what God is doing in there for us and through us.  I share a checklist every day of daily activities to do, add an extra activity and share a prayer. Tanya followed the daily activities for 1-2 hours a day and now there are 17 families positively impacted.

Tanya shared that Cutting Edge is the best money she’s spent on any type of coaching or training in eight years.  

Cutting Edge is the community and the system you’ve been looking for. Today the doors to Cutting Edge are closed so we can give each member all the support they need as they start their business building. I recommend you jump onto the Wait List so when the doors open you will be one of the first in line.

You can get on the waitlist here.

Have the best Day!
