Divi Marketplace

Martha, Fix My Business….what is a 1:1 with me like?

Today, I’m sharing what a one-on-one with me is like. We’re going to find out what’s going on in Hannah’s business and then talk about some of her challenges. Hannah promotes confidence for young women in their role as a mother, a woman, and a mom. She struggled with her confidence which is what inspired her to help others.

Hannah shared that she feels society is very hard on young women. As the oldest of 13 she got a head start on being able to be confident However, today, in her business she has a block when it comes to making courses.  She has a coffee and confidence chat she does with her kids every morning. She also shares regularly in her Facebook group. She just isn’t sure how to create a course from the material that she has. What would people pay for and what should she share for free?

I love this question because almost every course creator goes through this. How do you decide what to share? Should you be sharing gold nuggets or should you save those for your course? What people don’t realize is that if you don’t share the gold, nobody knows that you have the gold. What courses and memberships are really about is organizing the gold that you have. You simply need to organize it in a way that creates a path, a journey for your community.

Sometimes we toss around the gold nuggets we have to share like confetti

because we want people to realize that we have gold to share.

If you follow me on YouTube, I go live five days a week.  There’s so much information shared. If you go into one of my courses, or the new membership that’s coming, you will see I share things step by step so it makes sense.  It’s more organized and you can accomplish your goals when you follow along. You can hear more about that and Hannah’s story in the short video at the top of this blog.

At the end of the day, I’m here to help families create income from home. The new membership I’m launching means everyone gets my advice and can succeed. I’ve got a great blog on that here and a video about that here.

Have the Best Day

