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More 11 Day Jumpstart Reviews!

Today you’re hearing from one of our 11-Day Jumpstart participants. I think it’s important for you to read what real people are experiencing. Julie, who is continuing to follow the Jumpstart, shares that she is thrilled when using the recipes that are provided. She expected healthy food to be boring and probably not taste great. Then she joined the 11-Day Jumpstart and all of that changed.

She enjoyed the recipes and lost 11 pounds in 11 days. When Julie did her measurements, she lost over 2 1/2 inches of inflammation. She is still busy each day but now she isn’t so tired at the end of the day. She can enjoy the evening at home. In addition to the weight loss and great energy, Julie’s brain fog is gone! She says her brain is “firing off like crazy.” Her work is getting done quickly and easily – what a difference. You can hear her share more of her story in this short video here.

Guys, here’s the rudimentary thing that everyone needs to understand. Our bodies want nothing more than for us to be happy and healthy. Our bodies are always trying to heal themselves. They just need the right nutrition to stay healthy and but stave off threats to our wellness. Here is a short blog I wrote about the 11-Day Jumpstart.

Julie isn’t alone. Over 1,400 people participated in the last 11-Day Jumpstart and they’re all still in. That tells you something right there. Everyone in the Jumpstart is intentionally taking control of their health. The next Jumpstart begins February 6th so if you aren’t already in, contact the person that sent you this blog or shared the 11-Day Jumpstart with you. It’s completely free. All that you have to do is grab the supplements that we use.

If you are a Young Living Brand Partner and you’d like to share the 11-Day Jumpstart with your team, join Cutting Edge. This is where you join my team and I share all the resources you need to grow your business. You can join by messaging my Facebook Page @LivinthedreamwithMartha with the words “cutting edge” if that doesn’t work, just personally message me and we’ll go over the details and get you in!