Divi Marketplace

Passive Income Ideas For High Schoolers – How To Start Some Income Streams This Summer

This is the perfect time to talk about passive income ideas for high schoolers. In high school we really start creating our view of ourselves.  What a powerful time to learn about the importance of having multiple income streams and being financially secure. I’m talking about teaching our high schoolers about affiliate marketing.

I’ll use Amazon as an example of a place your high schooler can easily sign up to be an affiliate marketer. When you’re signing up to be an Amazon Affiliate, they’re going to ask you questions that are designed to filter out scammers. Don’t let the questions stress you. Just answer them the best you can. Amazon gives you what’s called a 24-hour cookie. That means whenever you share something, and somebody clicks on your link, whatever they purchase in the next 24 hours you’re going to get a certain percentage of that paid back to you. I explain more about how that works in this short video.

What are the types of things your high schooler might share?  If they’re into photography, they could share the link to the camera, power pack, and best bag to carry equipment in. What are their hobbies? Right now, my daughter loves gymnastics. There’s all sorts of gymnastics stuff on Amazon that we could share. If you have an athlete in the family, they could link their favorite equipment.  Think about it like this.

When passion and hobbies are combined with sharing tips tricks and hacks, you’ve got affiliate gold!

Where can you and your family learn how to do all this? You can join me and jump into The Affiliate University that launches June 7th. If you enroll before June 7th, you receive lifetime access to the stand alone training and 6 months membership to our ongoing training program which is incredible! You can learn all the details and enroll here.

You can also check out my free one-hour training in my Facebook Group here. I believe this is the very first income stream everybody should have. This works for families and kids.You can get started right away. Our kids deserve to know how to be able to create income outside of what the world tells us guys. This could give them a leg up for the rest of their lives. Let’s do this!

Have the best day!

xo Martha