Divi Marketplace

The Best Passive Income Idea for Teachers

Today we are talking about the best passive income stream for teachers. So, if you have friends that are teachers that need to see this, pass it on to them! You guys, this economy that we’re moving into it takes all of us sharing what works. That’s why I’m sharing this opportunity for teachers today.

I think we can all agree that most teachers don’t make enough money. Let’s supplement what you make in a way that doesn’t feel weird. Then, if you want to keep teaching then keep teaching. My goal is to make sure that you’re making money outside of your teaching income so you don’t have to feel stressed or worried about your finances. You may be wondering if you can you really make good money in affiliate marketing? Yes! I’ve been doing it for years. Check out this short blog post where I share more.

The best income stream for teachers is affiliate marketing. I found a company called Fun and Function that I think is a perfect fit.  Their website is funandfunction.com and their focus is supporting work with kids that have different needs. You could share this resource and show families how to make students’ lives easier for them at home.

You’re not selling anything. You’re explaining. You’re helping.

This is along the lines of what you already do but, in this case, you will get a financial kickback of 10% for sharing the resource. The company offers a 90-day cookie. It is a win win.  My suggestion is to go to funandfunction.com and become an affiliate. I talk more about how to do that and explain more of the basics in this short video here.

If I have piqued your interest about affiliate marketing, I have a free master class training for you. Go to the group Families Creating Legacies by clicking here. The training is pinned to the top of the group. It’s an hour long and by the end of the training you will be able to go make money. Sound good?

Have the best day!

xo Martha