Divi Marketplace

The CORVETTE is BACK! Now what?

Have you heard the story about my Corvette? Four weeks ago we woke up two of our cars were gone. They were stolen. It was a shock. I called the police and the insurance company. That’s where the journey started.

One of the cars, our Escalade, was found quickly. The Corvette was gone for weeks. Now we have insurance. The car is paid for. We have two other cars. Weeks later we had honestly completely detached from the Corvette.

During this period, we had a ton of stuff going on in our lives. It felt like challenges were coming at us from all angles. At that same time, Mike and I had been praying and asking God to refine us for his purpose. We feel that he’s walking us out of one season and he’s introducing us to a new one. I talk more about that in the short video at the top of this blog.

This new season is all about self-denial – of stuff. We’re not going to be destitute or anything, but this next season isn’t about stuff. It’s about living out God’s will for our life. It’s about ministry. It’s about creating something big for God. We’ve been called to create a place where people who serve in the ministry can come and be restored. We are looking for a large amount of land that we will farm and live on.

So, we decided when money comes in, we’re going to put 90% of that money toward the ministry. Now that we have the Corvette back, we are going to sell it and put the money towards exactly that – the ministry.

My daughter Norah said it best. It doesn’t make sense to have a race car on a farm.

God is so good. He gracefully picked up the Corvette and put it right back in our life so we can do what we said we were going to do and then tell everyone about it. When we experience miracles it’s so important to share about them. I write more about that in this short blog.

This is the type of full surrender we live in. We make decisions, as Christians, to follow God’s will for our life. We make decisions that surprise people around us. That surprise is what gets people’s attention so we can share the word of God.

