Divi Marketplace

The Easy Way to Introduce Young Living Members to Loyalty Rewards

What is the easy way to introduce our Young Living members to Loyalty Rewards? This is a place people can get kind of awkward. One of the best ways to think about it is  – “How would you talk about it if the person you were talking to was right in front of you? What would you say to them?”

When I think about loyalty rewards, I think why the heck not? It costs you nothing. I think that a lot of people just don’t know about it. Whenever you go to a store and they’ve got some sort of reward system and they ask you to join when you’re checking out what do we do? Most of us think not right now. I’ll do it later. That’s our people too! This is psychologically just like a retail purchase experience. I talk more about that in the short video at the top of this blog.

Let’s say it’s after the initial transaction has happened, how do you go in and comfortably and gracefully let your people know about Loyalty Rewards without feeling like a used car salesman? Especially if you have people ordering every month that aren’t on Loyalty Rewards, I’d say you should get some rewards.

Once you run your reports and see who’s on loyalty rewards and more specifically who’s not on loyalty rewards check out how many months they have purchased. Next, you let them know how much they could have earned in rewards. You can say “I don’t know if you knew this or not but if you want to know how to turn on Loyalty Rewards and earn those rewards just let me know and I’ll walk you through it. I just didn’t want you to miss out. This is free and you can opt-out anytime. If not – no big deal at all. “

Share this in a voice memo. If you have to copy-paste because you have a lot of people so be it. If you send that in a voice memo to somebody, they’re going to be like OK I get it and so they’re going to ask for more information. The likelihood of them actually joining Loyalty Rewards, especially if they have been purchasing every month anyway, is very very high. The retention rate on Loyalty Rewards is crazy high – somewhere between 88 and 90%. That means people that are on loyalty rewards will continue purchasing.

The secondary benefit of this is that you are having a conversation with your people. This is also an opportunity to ask them how stuff is working out for them and maybe even uncover some more needs. We want to deepen and strengthen the bonds that we have with our own customers. If you’re not yet in my YL Goldgetters 2.0 group, you can join that here for TONS of free training and challenges that will help you connect and serve your customers better every day.

Let’s Go!