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The Quickest Way To Relieve Depression & Anxiety

First let me say that this has nothing to do with anything medical. These are just my thoughts and opinions.

For me, depression and anxiety came from not living in my purpose.

When I’m not living fully in my purpose, that’s when I move into depression or anxiety. I spent years having massive panic attacks – like twenty each day. I would go sit on the stairs outside of my apartment just in case I died during one of the attacks so that people would find me. It was that serious.

We are being beaten down as a society. We aren’t living from a place of purpose anymore. I love moving forward in service and positive impact and I believe that others flourish in that space too. We as a society are numb. People are working jobs they hate, and they’ve just accepted it.

What is going to happen to us when we gasp for that very last breath, and we are left with so many regrets? Take a minute to sit and breathe in deeply.

You have a second chance right here and now to change everything.

What are you convicted about? What are the things you know you want to accomplish? Who are the people you feel called to help the most?

In my opinion the best way to mitigate depression and anxiety is to live our convictions. The moment you start doing that, everything changes. You step into a miracle and resources start coming your way. The right people begin to pop into your life out of nowhere. When you decide you want to do a thing, you will be given what you need.

Again, I’m not suggesting that if you’re taking medication for depression or anxiety that you just need to snap out of it and stop taking it. Not at all. I’m merely speaking from my own experience and my own opinion. If you’d like to hear more about this feel free to watch this video.

Jump into my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses.

Have the best day!

“xo Martha