The Simple Trick To Sharing Your Affiliate Links Without Looking Like A Skeezball

Want to know a simple trick to sharing your affiliate links without feeling like a skeezeball? Here is some great news – it’s something that you already do anyway!  It’s as simple as sharing a review of a product or service you can recommend to others. What do you do when you are interested in buying something? You look it up on the internet and see what the reviews are like.  That is affiliate marketing. If you’d like more details about affiliate marketing I share a  free hour long training here.

You can essentially start making money the day you start sharing reviews and links, but whenever you’re doing reviews, I’ve got some tips. First you will want to call out the elephant in the room. When you’re doing a review, and you’re sharing affiliate links in the review, don’t oversell. That alone feels skeezy, even if it’s all true, it feels skeezy.  What does feel natural is sharing an experience like you expected this but got that. When you read a review what’s the first thing you’re thinking?  I always think I want to know if the product is trash. I want to know if I should or should not invest my money in something. So, the very first paragraph of your blog or the very first sentence in your video needs to say something like “you know when I tried this thing, I assumed the worst! I assumed that this wasn’t going to do what I wanted it to do but it surprised me.  Share your thought processes.  What was it like when you first tried the product?

You want to help your reader or listener anchor in and experience that yes, me too, moment.

When your audience has a me-too moment, they’re gonna keep reading.  When you share by telling a story, your audience can relate. You can learn more about how I recommend you do that in this short video here. If you want to learn how to work on getting your blogs and videos seen more frequently – moved up in the Google search – you can check out my blog post on that here. I share step by step how to get started in affiliate marketing in that free training linked at the top so be sure to check that out today. Have the Best Day!



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Martha Krejci

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