Divi Marketplace

Turn Your Conversations Into Income & Raving Fans

Has your messenger ever been so cluttered that you were tempted to breathe into a brown paper bag? I’ve been there. It got to the point for me where I wasn’t even seeing messages from my husband or friends anymore.

I keep my personal messenger for personal conversations as best I can but there was a time that my messenger was flooded daily. I’d be sitting next to my husband on the couch answering people’s questions. I was physically there, but I wasn’t really present. The truth is that I felt like my identity was tied to answering those questions. I wanted to be helpful. I didn’t want to leave anyone hanging.

So, I answered everyone’s questions to the detriment of my family life. Why am I sharing this with you? Because I know that a lot of you are in this space. A lot of you are feeling like you’re drowning in a sea of messages that you don’t know how to get through. You feel like you have to answer every single one or you’ll risk losing out on a potential client.

It’s important to communicate with people, obviously, but not to the point of ignoring your spouse sitting right next to you night after night.

That’s when I figured out how to maintain a balance between answering questions and honoring my family. It included answering “a” question that would help them, but then directing them to where they could book a time with me. This really cleared out my inbox and helped me avoid continuing to be a slave to my phone.

In the workshop I did last week, I went through how to have those conversations with people in a really incredible way. There is a right way and a wrong way to do this and I taught everyone how to do it so that there is still trust and honor. This is what one of my students had to say after the workshop.

If you missed it, don’t worry. There’s a replay in the group it was delivered in and there’s another live workshop coming tomorrow! Jump in here.

Jump into my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses.

Have the best day!

xo Martha