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Why Being An Author Is More Important Than Being A Celebrity

I was talking with someone the other day who played Scorpion in Mortal Combat and he said something so profound. We were talking about me going to speak at his mastermind in April and he said,

“People look up to authors even more than they look up to actors and celebrities.”

That made me stop in my tracks. He gets more attention for being an author than he does for being an actor and celebrity. Isn’t that wild?

The thing I love about this so much is that becoming an author is so much easier than becoming a celebrity. Becoming a celebrity takes someone else telling you that you’re good enough. It’s not like that when you become an author.

When you’re an author you need to leverage it. Tell people about it! Don’t just publish a book and then forget about it. Leverage it! If you’re not an author yet, why not? What I usually hear from people is that they don’t know where to start or even how to write a book. Those things are simple to get over and I can show you how.

Writing a book creates validity in who you are and what you do and how good you are at it. A book is like a seal of approval to the public eye. How serious are you about creating the impact in the world that you say you want do? Think of how you want to positively impact the world. If you’re truly serious you’re going to take the steps necessary to do it. If you’re not, then you’ll give in to your own excuses.

When you let your self sabotage stop you, your people don’t get helped the way that you know you can help them. This is so much bigger than you. You were created to have impact and make a difference in people’s lives. It’s time to start.

Watch this video for the rest of this message.

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Have the best day!

xo Martha