Divi Marketplace

Why People Aren’t Buying Your Stuff

If you’ve ever wondered why people aren’t buying your stuff, then read this blog.

I’ve worked with thousands upon thousands of clients to date and there are a few pretty simple reasons why people aren’t buying your offerings. The good news is that you can do something about it so there’s that.

First thing’s first, if you haven’t added value to your people before starting to offer them anything, that’s likely one reason you’re not selling anything yet. When you work on something in silence and then randomly announce it to everyone, they didn’t know that there was something coming from. It takes a minute for them to shift. You’ve got to be letting people know about what you’re creating as you create it.

Another reason people aren’t buying your stuff is because you’re not telling them about it. Announcing it once is not enough. People need to hear about something 7-15 times before they make a buying decision. Telling them about it once is nowhere near that amount so they’ve likely long forgotten you even have what you’re offering.

A third reason people may not be buying your stuff is because sometimes we create things that people don’t actually want. We should always have the finger on the pulse of our people. We should be able to know what they need. Don’t be creating things just because you think they’re valuable and need to be made. It should be done in service to your people because you’ve identified a need they have.

Part of you giving people value should be done through free content. You’ve got to establish yourself as an authority and expert. It’s crucial to build trust with your people before trying to sell them something.
For more of my thoughts on this go ahead and watch this video.

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Have the best day!

“xo Martha