Divi Marketplace

Your Course Isn’t Selling…Now What?

If you’ve created a course, congratulations. Online courses are projected to become a multi-billion dollar industry in the next couple of years.

Making the course is great but selling the course is the important part so let’s make sure that your course starts to sell.

Number one – has anyone taken your course? If yes (even if it’s just one person), you either need to get a testimonial or honest feedback. If they loved the course and it helped them in some way then a testimonial is going to be awesome. Have them write it up and take a screenshot of it.

My testimonial blueprint looks like this: What was life like before, what got you off the fence to do the thing, now what has changed in your life because of the course you just took?

If they didn’t necessarily get helped then you need some honest feedback. This can be challenging to receive but I promise you it will mean the difference between selling and not selling. Take your armor off (you know, the armor that keeps you safe from your haters) and listen to their feedback.

Let me ask you some very important questions. How did you decide to create your course? Do you know who your people are? Who are you serving and how do you serve? Did you decide to make the course because you wanted to? Or did you make it because you saw what your people needed and decided to serve them in that way?

It’s crucial to get really honest about your answers here. If your people know they need your course then it’s likely just that your copy needs to change. If they don’t even know they need it yet, again, it’s likely the copy. Most things come down to what you’re saying about your offering. I go into it more in this video and also share about who my personal copywriter is.

Feel free to jump into my Facebook community where I am teaching you (for free) how to make seven figures from home.

Have the best day!

xo Martha