Dee Castelli was told that she was too sensitive her whole life. She has always been very aware of people’s emotions. It was a lot to handle. So, Dee stuffed her emotions down and plowed through life. She acted like she was happy. Sadness, anger, and fear were simply not options. She seemed happy and found success in the corporate world.

The truth is, all those emotions and pressure just kept building up inside. Doctors even told her that she had to deal with her emotions or she would implode. Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened.

Dee was tapped out in every way. She got run down and overwhelmed. She got sick and then she had a reaction to medication. You guys, Dee ended up in the Intensive Care Unit fighting for her life. Dee had hit a wall and she vowed that if she lived, she would make changes. Thankfully, she survived, and she shares her story in her chapter of our first book collaboration The Invincible Family.

To survive Dee had to go back to the basics and build a life from scratch.

The entire point of the Invincible Family Project is to realize that everyday people just like you and me are creating massive change in their lives. We look around the world we are living in and man we could really use some change!

Dee found a new way to live, she built a life. The goal with the book to show you just how accessible that change can be for you and your family, because you can do just the same! You need to hear this powerful interview – check that out here.

To read Dee’s chapter you can grab The Invincible Family here. You will definitely want to check out how I am helping everyday families just like Dee’s start, grow, and scale their home based businesses in my Facebook community here!

Have the best day!

xo Martha