As Seen On

Fast Company
Oprah Magazine


Learn from
Martha Krejci

What’s different about learning from Martha?

She’s done it. She’s actually created a brand from home that generates over seven figures a month in between 5-10 hours a week. She didn’t do it without learning the wrong stuff from folks that just simply haven’t done it themselves, so she failed a lot until she finally figured it out. It’s a blueprint of sorts. Stick by her side and you’ll discover a life you only read about.

How to Make Money from Home

The Affiliate University

Affiliate Marketing. It’s a simple concept: you promote other people’s products and earn a commission on every sale. Martha has developed a system that generates millions through affiliate marketing, and she is sharing exactly how she does it. This training will give you the inside track so you can finally be one of “those people” that just seem to know something everyone else doesn’t. You will learn the step-by-step process Martha uses and be able to make money right out of the gate. Welcome to Martha’s world.


Home-Based Revolution

 Multiple income streams from home in five hours a week. This is where Martha breaks it all down in a LIVE WALK-THROUGH… all of the things she did to get where she is now. This is so different from anything you have ever seen before. She doesn’t hold anything back, you get it all, the entire strategy, and LIVE calls at LEAST 3 times a week as well as an entire support infrastructure to make sure you aren’t left behind. This is the program you actually succeed with. Oh! And you also get a 40-60 page full breakdown of your customer avatar, or bat signal as Martha calls it. Who they are, what they are looking for, a year of content for them (what they are searching for)…it’s EVERYTHING you need to truly make this happen this time around.

Until The Next LIVE Walkthrough of Home-Based Revolution








Click here to message Martha on her business page and have a chat to see if HBR is a good fit.

The Thought leaders’ blueprint to authority

After spending years honing in on my own strategy become a visible and relevant Thought Leader in my industry and have helped thousands of others to do it, I decided I would draw out a plan of action for people wanting to take this on themselves.

After taking this program you will:

Unearth Your “Why”: Discover your core purpose and the impact you’re destined to make. This ain’t about fluffy feelings – it’s about harnessing a driving force that sets you apart.

 Dominate Your Niche: Learn how to carve out your territory and become the go-to guru in your specific field. No more competing with the masses – you’ll be the king or queen of your castle.

Craft Your Magnetic Message: Ditch the jargon and learn how to articulate your value proposition in a way that resonates with your audience deeply and intimately.

Build Your Dream Audience: Forget generic marketing – we’ll delve into the psychology of your ideal audience, so you can create content that speaks directly to their deepest needs and desires.

Content Like a Champion: Discover the content strategy that separates the copies and the fakes from the rockstars. You’ll learn how to create a content plan that positions you as an authority and keeps your audience glued to your every word.

Own Your Online Empire: We’ll show you how to craft a website and social media profiles that scream credibility and attract followers like moths to a flame.

Launch Like a Legend: No more fumbling around in the dark. You’ll get a strategic launch plan to ensure your debut as a thought leader creates a massive splash.

Bonus Module: Get access to a treasure trove of exclusive resources, including templates, cheat sheets, and a private coaching group for ongoing support. This is your secret weapon for thought leadership domination!

I’m showing you how to create the life I have, and how do I know how to teach that?
Well, because I’ve done, and continue to do it over and over again, just like you will!

The Ultimate lead’s bundle

How I Attracted 962 Qualified Leads in Just 24 Hours for just $27! This is basically a DEEP DIVE into how I consistently bring in RELEVANT leads for my business, and it includes tons of extras for just $27, you can check it out below.