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50 Tasks To Delegate To Your Virtual Assistant

Hiring a virtual assistant can be a massive blessing to your life, if…you know what to delegate to them.

Just hiring a VA for the sake of having one won’t help you get results faster, create efficient systems, impact more people, or give you a rundown of the data you need in order to make the best decisions for your business.

It’s necessary to identify what your genius is and what tasks you don’t like doing at all so that you can spend more time in your creative genius and therefore increase your income.

Here are the first 25 tasks you can delegate to your VA:

  1. Branding (If branding is not your cup of tea, hire someone who can do it effortlessly! Logos, color palette, and more.)
  2. Social Media Graphics (Some of us are gifted in canva and photoshop, and others of us are not. If you’re not, hire this task out so that you don’t waste so much time being frustrated.)
  3. Copywriting your social media posts (Again, some of us are gifted with words and others are not. If you’re not, get a VA who can write copy in your voice.)
  4. Blog Writing (Same idea as above.)
  5. Uploading & Scheduling Your Blogs (Let’s be honest, writing a blog is only half the battle. You then need to upload, schedule it, and create a graphic to go with it. Delegate!)
  6. Scheduling Your Social Media Posts (Many of you know you need to be showing up on social media regularly but have a hard time keeping up with everything. This is a simple task a VA can take off your plate.)
  7. Set Up An Email System (If you have thousands of emails in your inbox, you need a system. Your VA can organize your entire inbox, unsubscribe you from all the lists you signed up for, and make your inbox a place of peace.)
  8. Sort And Answer Emails From Clients (If it’s a simple answer that someone else can handle, have your VA do it. If it needs to be answered by you directly, they’ll make sure you don’t miss that important email.)
  9. Organize & Maintain An Online Database (google drive, etc) To House Documents & Photos (How much time are you currently wasting trying to find things you need on a daily basis? Put an end to that with a VA!)
  10. Transcribe Your Notes From Meetings & Trainings (How helpful would this be?)
  11. Go Through Your Content (videos/posts/blogs) To Find Material For Quotes & Graphics (This sure beats you having to scour your content for quotes every week, just saying.)
  12. Monitor Your Facebook Messenger (How many of us get way too many messages on a daily basis? Have your VA keep tabs on your messages to make sure you don’t miss anything important.)
  13. Help Admin Your Facebook Community (They can be adding new members, scrolling for any issues that are arising, etc.)
  14. Update Your Social Media Profiles As Needed (Let’s be honest, some of you don’t even have your website listed on your profiles. Time for that to be taken care of…and not by you!)
  15. Set Up Zoom Meetings & Group Coaching In Social Media (Stop forgetting to schedule your events in social media by having someone else take care of them!)
  16. Set Up & Maintain Your Guides Section In Your Facebook Community (Wish you had been keeping up to date on moving stuff over to your guides section? Your VA can do that! And keep you on track moving forward).
  17. Develop Your Website (This is worth its weight in gold if you’re not super tech savvy. Have someone else do it and get back to what makes you happy!)
  18. Create Your Lead Magnets (This is a huge time saver for most people.)
  19. Create Your Landing Pages For Your Lead Magnets (You didn’t just think you only needed a lead magnet right? You also need a way to capture people’s info!)
  20. Create Reels (Again, if you’re not tech savvy it would be worth having someone else do this for you.)
  21. Create Your YouTube Thumbnails (These can be super fun to have if done right.)
  22. Maintain Your CRM With Notes & Tags On Your Clients (Your CRM is where you store all of your client notes. If you don’t have one yet or don’t maintain it well, it’s time for some help!)
  23. Import New Contacts Into Your CRM (Don’t lose track of anyone!)
  24. Send Weekly Emails To Your Audience (If you haven’t sent your audience an email in a few months, you may need some help staying accountable to this. You can tell you VA what points you want to cover, and they can do the rest. Easy peezy!)
  25. Proofread Your Content (Hey it’s never a bad idea to have a second pair of eyes on your stuff.)

Okay phew, that’s an exhaustive list. For another 25 tasks you can delegate to your VA specifically to increase your income, click here! Also, if you don’t have a Virtual Assistant yet and don’t even know where to begin to find one, we’ve got you! Send us an email and we will get you sorted out. hello@salesdrivenvirtualassistants.com

Jump into my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home-based businesses.

Have the best day!

xo Martha