martha’s blog
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How to do Affiliate Marketing Without Having to Show Your Face
Let's call it, a lot of us who work at home, especially Moms who want to take care of their kids and household, are always looking for ways to earn money. One popular way to monetize a website, blog, or social media accounts is through affiliate marketing. With...
The 5 Worst Affiliate Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs
There's no doubt about it, affiliate marketing is a great way to make money from home or earn extra side income. As an affiliate marketer, you promote a product or service to a specific audience, and every time someone makes a purchase through your unique affiliate...
Affiliate Marketing Without Money or Followers: A Step-by-Step Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms
Being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job in itself, right? I mean, I get it. I'm a work from home Mom that also homeschools, so I get what it means to be busy. But affiliate marketing is TOTALLY DOABLE if you don't go doing extra unnecessary steps that don't help,...
3 Easy Ways to Make Money from Home While Homeschooling
I don't have to tell you balancing homeschooling and a career can be difficult. With so much on your plate already, it can be hard to find time for work. However, with the power of the internet, making money from home has become easier than ever before. In the next...
Being a multi-passionate entrepreneur is both a blessing and a challenge, amiright? You have several interests and passions that fuel you, but at the same time, it can be hard to stay focused and productive with so many things vying for your attention. In today’s...
Is Batching Content a Good Idea? Pros & Cons Explained
Ok, let's jump in with both feet because I'm not interested wasting either of our time. Batching content. First of all, what does it mean? It really just means creating a bunch of content at once to then push out into the internet and social media channels in a...
AI Tool Spotlight: Your Ultimate Game-Changing Business Assistant(That’s Right….An Assistant)
Hey there, friends! I've got some super exciting stuff to share with you, that will be saving you time and payroll dollars! If you've been following me for longer than 5 minutes, you already know my goal is to teach you about and share things with you that kick your...
Master the Art of Affiliate Marketing on YouTube & Skyrocket Your Click-through Rates!
Hey hey! Did you know a whopping 80% of brands have affiliate programs? And, would you believe that over 65% of affiliate marketers cozy up with their audience on social media? That's right! What's more, it's no secret that YouTube is a goldmine with over 2.6 billion...
The Unavoidable Business Cycle No One Seems To Address…And How To Get Through It
OK, we're gonna get VERY real here, so buckle up, first, it will freak you out, but don't stop reading because the hope comes after the freak out, I promise! One of two things happens when you start your business. (FYI, this doesn't include affiliate...
A New Income Stream That I Pretty Much Manage And Build For You… Today I'm sharing the income stream that I pretty much do for you. You’ve never seen anything like this before. You see, I love disrupting industries – especially if I feel like they are taking advantage of people. I’m also...
Pushing the Easy Button on Building Our Kid’s Trust In God I went to my Bible study at church, and we started talking about how God has shown up in our lives. We specifically were talking about problems and one woman was explaining how her husband had a rough time at one of his last...
A Year of Restoration – 11 Day Jumpstart-Style Who is ready for a year of restoration? What’s happening with the 11-Day Jump Start is so incredible and what’s coming in the next year is simply a game-changer. If you're not in yet make sure you talk to the person who sent...
What is Apologetics, and Why is it Absolutely Necessary to Know? Today’s blog is so close to my heart! You see my husband, Mike, is currently knee-deep in Apologetics, which means by proxy I’m knee-deep in Apologetics. I feel like people need to understand why it’s our responsibility to...
The Role Inflammation Plays in Weight Gain and Ultimately Death Do you know the role inflammation plays in weight gain and quite frankly all the way up to death? I know that’s a heavy topic for a blog – but it’s so important to talk about. You know I’m not going to talk about a challenge...
Real Life Stories from The 11 Day Jumpstart Who is ready to hear more about The 11-Day Jumpstart? I love sharing testimonials so you can hear first-hand from people in the program. Today you are hearing from Sunday. She was really entertaining another program a...
THE KONA CHALLENGE – What’s Working Now Who is excited for the Young Living Kona Challenge? It’s the annual challenge where Young Living Brand Partners get the chance to earn incredible prizes and even a trip to Hawaii just for serving people and growing their...
Bat Signal 1:1 in Progress… I’m always grateful when I can help people realize who they serve in their business. I call that person their Bat Signal. If you’d like to learn more about what a Bat Signal is in my world you can check out this short blog I...
The Space Between Inspiration and Implementation (and how to jump the chasm) How do you move from Inspiration to implementation? I’m going to show you how to bridge that gap. I think that most of us have no problem at all getting excited about something. A new project that a guru you listen to...
A Cutting Edge Review for Young Living Brand Partner I love sharing these Cutting Edge reviews with you so you can hear how it’s working for Young Living Brand Partners growing their business. Let’s face it, people can say whatever they want on the internet about themselves. I...
Watch a Bat Signal 1:1 in progress… How do you decide who you serve in your business? I call that person our Bat Signal. In this blog, I’m helping Kim figure out her Bat Signal and you can come along to see how it’s done. I believe who we serve is a version of...
How You Can Implement Big Projects with Consistency
Have you ever had a big goal but struggled to reach it? I feel like that has happened to all of us at some point in our businesses. So, in today’s blog, I’m sharing how you can reach those big goals. I just launched my new website. Talk about a big project. It went...
More 11 Day Jumpstart Reviews! Today you’re hearing from one of our 11-Day Jumpstart participants. I think it’s important for you to read what real people are experiencing. Julie, who is continuing to follow the Jumpstart, shares that she is thrilled when...
Don’t Miss Out on the Power of In Person Intensives Is there anything better than getting together and tackling your business goals together in person? The recent intensive we had in Orlando was simply transformational. In-person intensives are powerful collaborative sessions...
Overcoming Nurturer’s Paralysis: Growing Your Business Without Losing Yourself Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the number of things that you could do to help people? It can be hard to focus on one thing when there are so many needs out there. But if you want to grow your business, it’s...