Simplicity is king! These days if you can’t easily explain what you do to a third grader you’ve missed the boat completely. You may still get some people that understand what you’re talking about but they’re typically not people in the part of the customer journey that you’re aiming to serve. You’re probably going to attract more peers and your peers already know what you’re going to teach.

I recommend you use a software to help you write simply and clearly.

The software I share creates copy for you.  I know so many people in the industry that use this tool. If you’re looking at influencers creating content daily and wonder how they do that, this is how.

Don’t make life more difficult than it needs to be.

There’s something that’s to be said about people making things way more difficult for themselves than they need to be. This often happens when people are just starting their businesses. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

One of the things I love about this software is it can take wordy difficult writing and make it simple and straightforward. It can help you avoid the TLDR problem. TLDR stands for To Long Didn’t Read. You can put your social media posts through this tool to make sure they are clear.

Once you’ve had the software create your copy I always recommend that you review and edit the content. This software is good but it’s no invincible. You want to be sure that your voice shines through in all your posts. People will be looking through your content to be sure you are their person,

I recently spoke at the Traffic and Conversion Summit and I’ve seen an influx of new followers. It’s important that they can see who I am and what I have to offer easily and quickly. That’s why I always make sure each post is in my voice and provides value.

You can try the software for free by following my link here. This link will give you 10,000 words or 5 days for free. You can learn more about how I use the software in the short video at the top of this blog.

Have the Best Day

