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From Chaos to Purpose Danelle Shares Her Impossible Journey

Danelle was living in mass chaos. Over 16 years, she had worked her way up to the top of the ladder at work. Her job, that had served her and her family so well in the beginning, had become unbearable. But how could she leave a great paying job with benefits? It felt impossible. Danelle realized she wasn’t aligned with her purpose and was living a life no one should endure. The stress and anxiety were unsustainable. That is when she decided to make a change! Danelle was meant for more.

Have you ever felt like you work with people who just don’t get you? Have you had to take a moment to yourself at work just to get your anxiety under control? You are not alone. You are not a failure. Maybe you are so distraught you feel so stuck you don’t even feel like you have options. That is how Danelle felt.

Change seemed impossible.

The first step for Danelle was doing the difficult mindset work with her therapist to open herself up to the possibility that there could be more. She was so ridden with fear. Her husband knew that her situation was not sustainable and begged her for five years to leave the job they both knew wasn’t good for her anymore. Then she attended one of my events. Danelle began to learn that there were other options, but change wasn’t easy. It took baby steps, walking through what she needed to do to get aligned with her purpose, and then charting a path to the future through our programs that began to show her the way. Danelle was ready to live in her passion.

When we are in situations that don’t serve us, it feels unbelievably stressful.

You don’t have to live that way. Your friends don’t have to live that way. You can read about how Danelle went from chaos to purpose in her chapter of The Invincible Family by grabbing a copy here. Success leaves clues and Danelle shares her journey so others can follow. The entire point of the Invincible Family Project is to highlight everyday people just like you and me that are creating massive change in their lives. We don’t have to live with anxiety, fear, and lack of freedom. I share systems that help you move through these hard moments to master creating income from home. You can learn step by step what worked for me and so many others. Join my Facebook Community here to learn more about how I help everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses. Watch Danelle’s interview here!

Have the best day!

xo Martha