Divi Marketplace

How To Take The Guesswork Out Of Getting New Clients

I work systems, and that’s what I teach you to do.

You need to have a system in order to build confidence because when you have a proven system you know works every time, you can be confident in moving forward in that system. That means you get to show up as your business owner self. You get to show up as the best version of you because you’re confident in the system that surrounds you.

I promise you that the only way to jack up a system is if you don’t do it.

There are too many people who promise to get others results with no system in place to do it. Or they do have a system, but it makes people feel gross and slimy and is therefore not sustainable to the person’s soul. Business MUST be sustainable to your soul, or you won’t be able to stick it out in the long run.

The questions you need to be asking yourself every time you get a sale (and go back and do this for every sale you’ve ever had) are these:

How did they find out about who you are?
How did they find out about what you are selling?
Why did they buy what you were selling?
And have they moved on to other products?

If you can discover the system that worked then you can repeat the results. This is what I teach in HBR you guys. The right system can change your entire business. And let me just address any potential elephant in the room. Just because you’re following a duplicatable system, doesn’t mean that you have to be a duplicatable robot. The beauty of what I teach is that every business looks different.

Feel free to to check out this video where I go into this more.

Jump into my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses.

Have the best day!

xo Martha