Divi Marketplace

Martha, Fix My Business…watch a 1:1 in progress…

Today we are going to talk about Sydney’s business, identify a pain point and get to the root of how to fix it. This is what a one-on-one with me or my strategists looks like. Sydney helps people transition off of birth control naturally even if they don’t think they can. One of her biggest challenges is her mindset. She struggles with knowing what to share about on a daily basis whether it’s in her group or online. She isn’t going live yet but does share some on her daily Instagram. She knows that going live has great potential to grow her community.

So, I think you might be able to relate to why Sydney feels stuck. She is struggling to balance sharing her story with dealing with haters online. I feel like that’s the deepest thing we need to talk about because so many people are scared of this today. When you get someone being hateful or even just questioning your intentions, it can throw you off your game – make you doubt yourself.  Sydney shares that she isn’t using the system I teach and it’s because she got negative feedback from someone that stopped her in her tracks.  Here is the thing. There will always be people, even people within your community or your family, who criticize.

So, who matters more, the people that are being loud and criticizing you or the people you are trying to help?

Your answer to that question is going to determine what you do moving forward.

It’s truly the only question you have to ask yourself.  If helping your people matters more to you, it doesn’t matter what the haters say. It doesn’t matter what they think. I don’t even recommend engaging with them because that often just puts fuel on the fire. I share more tactics on how to handle that in the short video at the top of this blog. Sydney realized she was letting a few negative voices stop her from sharing what she knows will help others. Now, she is going to stop listening to the haters and focus on her mission. If you found this helpful you can check out my free Facebook group Families Creating Legacies where I teach you how to start and grow your own business from home.


Have the Best Day


