Divi Marketplace

The Secret Sauce to Entrepreneurial Success

You were programmed to believe you can’t.

This is true of almost every human on the planet so don’t take it personally. That’s just human nature. We’ve been programmed by family, friends, the media, the world… It used to be the same for me too, so this isn’t coming from a place of judgment. I used to think negatively and focus on my problems instead of solutions. What I needed to do was change and if I’m honest, so do you.

I propose that we do something different. We need to peel off the programming that doesn’t serve us. Since doing that we make seven figures per month, we live in an incredible house, we get to walk our daughter to school each day, I just got asked to be on another reality show, and am a writer for Entrepreneur and Forbes magazine not to mention on the Forbes Business Council.

I didn’t just magically get to where I’m at. Abiding in God daily and waiting for the God nudges helps me make sure that I have no limitations around me that are going to keep me from being able to walk out His will for my life. The narratives that become our reality are not of the Father you guys. When are you going to stop accepting them?

It’s time to own this moment.

You need to choose something different. Move in how you want to move. Stop looking at your past and deciding it sucks and that you can’t move beyond it. I want you to be who you really are. I want you to become who you were meant to become.

Change the narrative by changing your programming. You were meant for so much more than believing you can’t and sitting in that space. You can and I’ll show you how.

I get really fired up in this video so check it out if you want.

Feel free to jump into my Facebook community where I am teaching you (for free) how to make seven figures from home.

Have the best day!

xo Martha