Divi Marketplace

The Speaker Series – Becoming The Speaker People Want To Hire

Last week in my intensive training in Changemaker’s Den, Becoming The Speaker People Want To Hire™ we took a DEEEEP DIVE into how to become the speaker that event planners WANT to bring to their stages. First, we have to learn how to determine what stage is right or wrong for you. Getting on stages can be organic marketing (free marketing) on steroids! If you want to grow your business without ads, which is what I teach, and you want to build your business quickly this is for you.

If you don’t consider yourself a public speaker you are in good company. I didn’t consider myself a speaker either – now I do! Becoming a really good speaker and delivering great content is going to create new business relationships for you. Personally, I recommend attending local BNI (Business Networking International) meetings once you have this training to set you up for success. Attending local networking events is an amazing way to share what you do with others.

But what about when you are speaking? What do you say? One of the keys is to establish what sets you apart in your industry. How are you different than all the other potential speakers in your industry? One of the coolest parts of these intensive trainings is that we work with individual attendees, walk through specific examples and workshop ideas.

You can implement significant aspects of the trainings while we are in the workshop together.

Have you ever paid for a training, attended a workshop or purchased a course that you never saw the results of in your business? We don’t let that happen here. Let’s get you on stage growing your business while you serve your people. Join Changemaker’s Den here for only $1 for your first month and $37 per month afterwards.  You can also join us in my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses!

Have the best day!

xo Martha