Divi Marketplace

What It Will Take To Survive What Is Coming Part 1

What will it take to survive what’s coming?  The writing on the wall is clear – we haven’t seen the worst of what’s coming in the economy. We need to be prepared.  We need to be creating multiple sources of income. That way, when one or some of them get wiped out – we will still be covered financially. That is what’s required of us right now.

So, if I were still working a nine-to-five job, I would be adding supplemental income streams. A lot of people are feeling caddywhompus or unsure right now. Now is not the time to wait and see what’s gonna happen. I talk more about that in the short video above.

The data shows that most Americans have less than $200 in their bank account. That my friends is scary. That doesn’t feel like being prepared for the future.  That is treading water. In fact, that’s almost drowning. It only takes one refrigerator on the fritz to be in trouble. When one small thing can blow up your whole budget it creates chronic trauma and fear.

If you’ve felt that low-level chronic fear, you know the feeling of dread. I used to be that person – I get it.  It can feel like there’s no way out. So here’s how you can change that. We are typically either focused on the problem or the solution.  It can’t be both. So, if you’re fearful and constantly focused on the problem you can’t get creative about a solution.

When you’re focused in fear you can’t see solutions because your brain keeps reinforcing what you are choosing to focus on.  Your brain is working to prove that fear is right.  That’s what our brains do. All it takes is for you to change your thoughts – change your story – to change your life. I share more about that in this short blog.

When we focus on solutions that allows our brain to find creative out of the box answers and the sky is the limit.

The solution I’m sharing today is Affiliate Marketing University. I’ve found success in affiliate marketing and I’m sharing my blueprint with you beginning August 29. It’s only $47/month once it launches but if you grab it here today you only pay $297 and receive 6 months of the membership included. Why? Because I know what’s coming. I’m ready. I’m here to help you get ready starting today.

