Divi Marketplace

You Have To Know What You Want In Order To Succeed

If you’ve done something once, you can do it again.

This time next year, where do you want to be? Who do you want to be? How do you want to show up in the world and give back? Once you’ve got that dream figured out, what does that require?

I’ll be honest with you—on paper I look like I shouldn’t be here. I barely graduated high school and I went to one semester of college. I was a raging alcoholic. To be successful, you need to see yourself as successful. That’s what I had to do because, like I said, I wasn’t going to be a success on paper.

When you can get focused on your goals and dreams, you get narrowed in and forge a path to get there. You’ve got to keep looking at the mountain in the distance that represents your future life. What are the financial things that it’s going to require for your new life?

Don’t allow for your brain to make it wrong for you to want things. You can want things, there’s nothing wrong with that. It gets dicey when you idolize the “stuff”. But also, who are you going to help? How are you going to serve people with your new finances?

This next six weeks are actually your first six weeks. I want you to know where you’re going over the course of the next year. Say you want $200,000 within the next year. What is it going to take to get that? Do you already have things that you’re selling? Is there a way for you to produce income from home? What are you going to have to create to supplement the income you’re already making?

Take the number you want to make and divide it by twelve to get your monthly goal. Divide that by four to get the weekly goal, then divide that by seven to get your daily goal of how many people you need to affect and connect with daily. If you do that, it won’t be an ambiguous number anymore. It will be a blueprint.

I go into this more over in this video if you want to check it out.

Feel free to jump into my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses.

Have the best day!

xo Martha