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How to properly get people on Loyalty Rewards in Young Living

How can you properly get people onto Loyalty Rewards in Young Living? Loyalty Rewards is Young Living’s perks program. When you sign up, you get a 24% discount, free gifts, and loyalty points to spend on future product purchases. 87% of the people on Loyalty Rewards continue ordering every month.

It’s important when people sign up that we reach out and learn what they are looking for and why they signed up. After the first month, we need to check in with them and ask how everything is working out. Are things happening that they wanted to happen? Are they looking for more that they’re not getting? This conversation is truly in service to your people.

If you don’t have this conversation and your customer is not having a good time and not seeing results, they are going to leave. What we’re doing here is we’re being open. We’re being authentic. So, after 30-60 days I recommend you reach out and ask how things are going. Ask for testimonials. Learn about what has changed in their life. When they share their excitement and results, lean into that. Ask if there’s anything else that they wanted to take care of or try. You’re not trying to sell things. You’re trying to get a good feel for whether they’re getting everything that they need. We are here to help people. If you don’t have anyone signed up yet, you can check out this short blog sharing how my program helped Tanya sign 17 people in one month.

So, once you get to the point where they’re happy with what they are using, that is where I would say: “So you’ve been doing this for four-eight weeks now. What I suggest is that you jump onto the Loyalty Rewards which will get you a percentage of your order in credits that you can use on future orders, and some cool freebies. If you’re ordering what’s working it only makes sense to take advantage of these benefits next month.” I talk more about that in the short video at the top of this blog.

If you’d like to learn more about how to grow your Young Living Business and better serve your people, you can join my Free Facebook Group, YL Goldgetters 2.0, for TONS of free training and challenges that will BLOW UP your YL business without question.

Have the BEST day!
