Divi Marketplace

How To Set Yourself Apart From 6 Million Other Brand Partners in Young Living

How do you set yourself apart from 6 million other Brand Partners in Young Living? How do you set yourself apart in any business? What makes you different? Also, let me explain what doesn’t make you different.

Whenever you are posting only about sales. When you’re saying here’s the sale that’s happening right now that’s what doesn’t make you different. A lot of brand partners rely on sales to share their business. This assumes when a sale happens everyone is sitting around in the world just waiting for Young Living to have a sale. Guys, there aren’t that many people sitting around doing that.

There are more people sitting around searching for a solution to their problems, researching potential solutions to their perceived problems. That’s a big thing there. If you didn’t catch that: People are searching for potential solutions to their perceived problems. It is crucial to realize what they believe their problem is. What they think their problem is, isn’t their problem. What if they are missing the root of their problem? I talk more about that in the short video at the top of this blog.

What we have to do is put goodwill out into the world.

What sets us apart is being here to help. We can offer a laugh, some education, or offer ways to help. When you don’t put goodwill into the world you do not even deserve (yes I said deserve) to be set apart. We need to meet our customers where they are and help them.

I walk you through exactly how to do that in The Cutting Edge. I tell you what to do on a daily basis to pick up your algorithm, inject goodwill into the world, and then you’ll be able to grow your team. You’re going to learn exactly what your people need. You’re going to give your people exactly what they need. If you wonder if Cutting Edge is the real deal check out this short blog I wrote sharing a really special success story. Join Cutting Edge by messaging @LivinthedreamwithMartha on FB with the words “cutting edge”. Iif that doesn’t work, just personally message me and we’ll go over the details and get you in!

Have the Best Day
