Divi Marketplace

Our Big Vision and How to Get Yours

Do you have a big vision? We do and I’m going to share it with you today and show you how you can get yours. My husband Mike and I have had our share of difficulty. But for us, it’s not too rough, because we have God. Mike and I have been praying for clarification. Clarification on what God wants through us.

That’s living a life in surrender – not only asking God what he wants to do through you – but then being 100% willing to do it. No matter what. So, we’ve been praying for that vision of what he wants for us to do. What has come to us, and we’re both on the same page about it, is to be able to live on 10 % and give back 90%.

So, our big vision is to have hundreds of acres where we live sustainably… but there’s more. We’re going to build a place for people in active ministry to come and reset. We’re going to have a Chapel on the property and hold Chapel every day. We want to serve the people that are serving – everyone in the church that needs respite can find it there.

You can hear more about that in the short video at the top of this blog.

Now that, my friends, is a big vision! It’s what we feel called to do. What do you feel called to do? What is your big dream? What is your big vision? You’ve got to be OK with God using you in big things. You’ve got to be OK with building up income streams so that can support those big things. You don’t have to start a nonprofit in order to support those things. You can support those things with the business you create. If this feels way too much for you – like you are having trouble believing in yourself, check out this short blog I wrote here.

I challenge us all to really sit inside of what God wants for us – not so God will bless you, but so you connect with what you can do through God. So, I want you to pray about what those desires are today. Pray and surrender. When you find your vision, I want you to share it. I want us all to know each other’s vision so we can support each other. Amen!

Have the Best Day
