Being a multi-passionate entrepreneur is both a blessing and a challenge, amiright? You have several interests and passions that fuel you, but at the same time, it can be hard to stay focused and productive with so many things vying for your attention. In today’s post, I’m sharing my top 10 hacks for multi-passionate entrepreneurs to stay focused and productive. Whether you’re a freelancer, blogger, or a small business owner, these tips will help you stay on top of your game and achieve your goals. Now, let’s GO!

Prioritize: As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with tasks. To avoid feeling frazzled, prioritize your daily tasks. Prepare a to-do list the night before that includes your top three priorities for the day. Focus on completing these tasks before moving on to other things. This will keep you on track and reduce the stress of feeling like you’re not getting anything done.(AKA spinning wheel syndrome)

Set Goals: Setting goals is essential for any entrepreneur, and it’s even more critical for someone with multiple passions. Clearly define your long-term goals and break them down into small, achievable steps. Celebrate each milestone you achieve along the way. (my celebration is a nice big cup of coffee!)It’s important to stay excited and motivated, and hitting your goals is a great way to do that.

Use Time-Blocking: Time-blocking is a technique where you block out specific time on your calendar for specific tasks. For example, you might block out 9am-11am for client work and 1pm-2pm for social media. This technique helps you avoid distractions and focus on one task at a time.(Don’t forget, when time-blocking, turn off all dings, and notifiers. You don’t need to have your focus crushed by Aunt Nancy’s dinner pic, ya know?)

Delegate: If you’re bogged down with admin work or things that don’t require your specific skillset, delegate. Outsource tasks like social media management, bookkeeping, or website maintenance. It might seem expensive, but the time you save will outweigh the costs. (real talk, and I have a list of go to people that don’t charge a ton if you want to email me at [email protected])

Take Breaks: Taking breaks is critical for productivity. It’s easy to get caught up in work and forget to take care of yourself. Take breaks throughout the day to stretch, have a snack, or even meditate. A refreshed mind is a productive one.

Limit Distractions: Multi-passionate entrepreneurs have a lot of interests, and it can be tempting to work on several things at once. However, multitasking can be counterproductive. Again, limit distractions by turning off your phone notifications, closing tabs on your browser, or even using apps that block distracting websites.

Use a Project Management Tool: A project management tool like Asana or Trello can help you manage multiple projects at once. These tools allow you to break each project down into smaller tasks, assign deadlines, and track progress. It’s an excellent way to keep on top of everything and ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

Get Enough Sleep: Sleep is essential for productivity, but it’s easy to sacrifice it for work. Make sleep a priority and aim for 7-8 hours per night. (Yes, I’m lookin’ at you.) You’ll be more alert, focused, and productive during the day.

Find an Accountability Partner: Find someone who understands the challenges you face as a multi-passionate entrepreneur and can hold you accountable for reaching your goals. An accountability partner can provide support, encouragement, and an objective perspective.(If you don’t have one, I have a group with 10k+ of them that would love to support you. You can hop into that here )

Embrace Flexibility: Finally, embrace flexibility. As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, you may need to shift your focus between projects depending on what’s most urgent or pressing. Be open to change, and don’t be too hard on yourself if your plans change. (probably the most important one for the long haul!)

Being a multi-passionate entrepreneur can be challenging, but with the right hacks and mindset, it’s possible to stay focused and productive. Prioritizing, setting goals, time-blocking, delegating, taking breaks, limiting distractions, project management, getting enough sleep, finding an accountability partner, and embracing flexibility are all great ways to achieve success. Remember, focus on progress, not perfection, and celebrate each small win along the way. Good luck!

Is Batching Content a Good Idea? Pros & Cons Explained

Ok, let’s jump in with both feet because I’m not interested wasting either of our time.

Batching content. First of all, what does it mean? It really just means creating a bunch of content at once to then push out into the internet and social media channels in a regular repeating pattern either automatically or manually.

Is it good? I mean, yes, BUT….(and mind you, this is coming from the girl that did a full on 90 Days of Content in 90 Mins training (free) which is all about knowing what content to create and making it in minutes…)

So, let’s talk about the good side first, then we’ll talk about the not-so-good side, then how to make it all work together so you’re still saving massive amounts of time without appearing totally disconnected to your topic and your audience, sound fair? Lezzzzgo!

Ok, so the good side. Once you know your pillars, you can quickly and easily create content for the year which gives you NO STRESS in the content game, which is really the first step to organically CRUSHING the online business thing….so batching is good for that, BUT….

Where it’s bad is when you create all of your content for a year, but say one of your posts has very newly relevant updates when you post it, but you didn’t catch that because you “pre created” or “pre batched” it months prior, so now you look UNINFORMED….oh my goodness, that is my own personal nightmare….looking like a Charlatan, or someone that doesn’t really know what their talking about…..(my chest is tightening even saying that….I NEED people to know that I’m very informed and aware of my content pillars, because I AM….and so are YOU!)

So, here’s what I do to keep things organized, relevant, keep the stress off me, but also totally FRESH.

I do the year of content as I teach it in the free 90 Day training above, BUT….I ONLY do the titles, not the full blog posts yet…then, at the beginning of every month, I grab 30 titles (one for every day…also you should evenly distribute the pillars through this, as not to ever get too heavy on any one pillar…this will make sense after the training).

NOW, with those 30 titles, I choose enough titles for the week, and batch THOSE. So the WEEK of content, I create super quick with the strategy I teach in that training (not enough time to go into it here, which is why I recorded that for you),

This way, you still have easy batchable content, AND get to stay relevant and up to date on the specific topics at hand.

Winner, winner….you just said the rest in your head, didn’t you? 🙂

Anywho, this is what I personally do….actually, this post itself?  Yes, a product of what I’m teaching you here.

Hey, I’m Martha, and I DO what I TEACH every single day.

Have the BEST day and chill! This can be sooooooo easy!

Talk soon!

xo Martha


AI Tool Spotlight: Your Ultimate Game-Changing Business Assistant(That’s Right….An Assistant)

Hey there, friends! I’ve got some super exciting stuff to share with you, that will be saving you time and payroll dollars!

If you’ve been following me for longer than 5 minutes, you already know my goal is to teach you about and share things with you that kick your business up to the next level and beyond, and I will NOT share things that are garbage….I promise.

That said, say hello to Cody AI, this rad AI Assistant that’s all set to revolutionize your business. You can use this wonder tool to automate tasks, analyze data, and make more informed, real-time decisions for your business. How awesome is that?

Technology is a game changer, especially when it comes to new businesses. And when we talk about Artificial Intelligence, well, it’s just transforming the business landscape. Now you can automate tasks, amp up your customer service, make savvy decisions, and take your business growth to a whole new level. (Without having to hire a whole team to help, like I had to do back in the day!)

Let’s dive into Cody AI, one of those stellar solutions that can help your business crank up its efficiency and productivity in workflow, decision-making process, and beyond. We’re going to chat about all things Cody AI – from its features and benefits, to its working, use cases, and everything in between.

Now what the heck is Cody AI, you ask? It’s a transformative AI trained assistant for your business that’s here to push you towards growth. Imagine having a ChatGPT that’s trained on your business, analyzing your data, and guiding you to make smarter decisions.

What’s even cooler about Cody is that it gives you creative answers, beyond the business data you input. You can keep feeding it more data and make it more powerful, and boy, is it going to help your business flourish!

Here are some of the jaw-dropping benefits Cody AI brings to the table:

Answers your business queries with helpful suggestions

Boosts business efficiency

Allows unlimited data uploads

Customizable for different use cases

Enhances employee productivity

Compatible with various tools like Chat, Website, etc.

Keeps your business data safe and secure

Now, what does all of that 👆 actually mean in layman’s terms?

Instant Answers To Your Business Questions

No need to track down manuals or sift through endless documents. Cody analyzes all accumulated documents and acts as an expert on all your company processes to provide the answer you need in seconds. (this can be done via a bot in the actual system…so think customer service emails being cut down, internal training hours being cut down, answers at fingertips is what we’re talking here)

Upload Any Data & Build Your Knowledge Base

Securely upload anything from PowerPoints to PDFs or crawl an entire website to instantly integrate information and customize Cody for your company. Cody will search your database and use it to craft an intelligent responses. ( I mean, c’mon!!!! Do you know how many important pieces of your business are forgotten about daily instead of remembered and used as reference? This is HUGE FOR SCALABILITY)

Provide Sources For Every Answer

For added peace of mind, you can check Cody’s work. Whether it’s from one source or multiple sources, Cody provides the sources used to come up with every answer. (An employee that shows sources for their work….YES!)

Boost Employee Efficiency

With instant answers, ideas, and ready-made work, your team can work smarter, not harder. Use Cody to complete tasks faster, like writing professional emails, translating documents, or creating marketing materials. (All in your brand’s voice!)

Provide Support & Troubleshoot Issues

Not making full use of your digital tools? Can’t get the sound to work on Zoom? Cody uses support documentation to help your team quickly troubleshoot any issues and discover hidden features. (I mean, WHAAAAATTTT?????? Did they just say tech support without having to call tech support?)

Brainstorm Ideas & Give Suggestions

If you’re not sure where to start, you can use Cody to bring new perspectives and insights to the table. Because Cody remembers conversations and contextual history, it can give ideas and advice. (no more blank white page paralysis!)


You can implement Cody AI in a number of different ways, like a creative and intelligent AI assistant, a smart AI assistant for your sales and marketing team, an AI bot for hiring, training, and more. (This is FOR REAL….you’re probably starting to think, yeah, but how much is it?  Keep reading, you’re gonna FREAK)

To kick things off with Cody AI, all you’ve got to do is head to their website here, sign up for an account, upload your business files, and start chatting. The setup is super easy and straightforward, and the interface is absolutely user-friendly.

Cody AI can help streamline your workflow like a dream. You can save time with Cody, optimize your workflow, get data analysis and organization support, personalized recommendations, and more.

And get this: Cody doesn’t just analyze your business, it helps you understand your business. It looks at all your data – sales, customer, financial, marketing, the whole shebang – and helps you make better decisions and plan effective strategies.

Integrating Cody AI into your business is a no-brainer. It’s like having a personal strategist on payroll that has a 30,000 foot view on your business operations, constantly making suggestions, and pushing your growth. In my humble opinion, trying out Cody AI could turn out to be the best business decision you make.

Now, let’s talk about Cody AI’s pricing plans. They offer a range of plans with different features, functionalities, and capabilities, making it super flexible and adaptable to your specific needs, but all you need to start off is just $29/mo, WHATTT? Click here to grab it now.

Wrapping it up, I can’t help but gush about Cody AI. It’s a powerful tool that has the potential to elevate your business to new heights. It’s an investment worth making and it’s definitely not something you’ll regret.

Visit Cody AI and give it a shot. Share your experiences, your thoughts, your insights. Let’s keep the conversation going. The more we share, the more we learn.

Thanks for joining me on this journey, friends. I can’t wait to share more nuggets of wisdom and exciting finds with you in the future. Until then, keep crushing it!

xo Martha