10 Genius Productivity Hacks for Mompreneurs: Juggle Business and Family Like a Pro!

10 Genius Productivity Hacks for Mompreneurs: Juggle Business and Family Like a Pro!

OK, let’s chat about productivity, shall we? We all know the juggling act of running a business while raising kiddos is no walk in the park. But fear not! I’ve got 10 game-changing productivity tips that’ll help you rock both your business and mom life. Ready to dive in?

  1. Time Blocking: Your New BFF
    Picture this: Your day, neatly organized into colorful blocks on your calendar. Sounds dreamy, right? That’s time blocking for you! It’s like Tetris, but for your schedule. Work time? Block it. Family dinner? Block it. That elusive “me time”? You bet – block it!

    Pro tip: Don’t forget to leave some wiggle room for when life throws you a curveball (or your toddler throws a tantrum).

  2. The Eisenhower Matrix: Not Just a Fancy Name
    Okay, let’s channel our inner president here. Eisenhower had this cool way of sorting tasks: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither. Spoiler alert: You want to focus on those important-but-not-urgent tasks. They’re the secret sauce to long-term success.

    So, next time you’re drowning in to-dos, ask yourself: “What would Eisenhower do?”

  3. The Pomodoro Technique: Work Sprints for the Win
    Think of this as HIIT for your work life. 25 minutes of focused work, 5-minute break. Rinse and repeat. It’s perfect for those days when your attention span matches your toddler’s. Plus, those 5-minute breaks? Ideal for quick hugs, snack prep, or, let’s be real, a much-needed bathroom break without tiny humans as an audience.

  4. Digital Task Management: Because Post-its Are So Last Century
    Let’s face it, our brains are already full of kids’ schedules and client deadlines. Time to outsource that mental load to a app! Trello, Asana, Todoist – pick your poison. These digital helpers are like having a personal assistant, minus the awkward water cooler chat.

  5. Delegate and Outsource: It Takes a Village, People!
    Repeat after me: You can’t do it all. And guess what? You shouldn’t! Whether it’s getting the kids to pitch in with chores (hello, life skills!), hiring a virtual assistant, or finally admitting that your partner can, in fact, do the laundry correctly – delegation is your ticket to sanity.

  6. Create a Workspace: Carve Out Your Mom Cave
    We love our kiddos, but sometimes we need a space where glitter and client calls don’t mix. Whether it’s a dedicated home office or just a corner of your bedroom, create a space that screams “Mompreneur at work!”

    Bonus points if it has a door with a lock.

  7. Batch Those Tasks: Work Smarter, Not Harder
    Why switch gears a million times when you can batch similar tasks together? It’s like meal prepping, but for your to-do list. Spend an hour replying to emails, another creating social media content. Your brain will thank you for not making it jump from spreadsheets to storytimes every five minutes.

  8. Morning Routine: Win the Day Before the Chaos Begins
    I know, I know – mornings are crazy. But hear me out. Waking up even 15 minutes before the kids can be a game-changer. Meditate, journal, or just enjoy your coffee while it’s still hot (revolutionary, I know). Start your day proactively, not reactively.

  9. Voice-to-Text: Your Secret Weapon
    Got brilliant ideas while elbow-deep in diaper changes? Voice-to-text tools are your new best friend. Dictate notes, emails, or even that blog post you’ve been putting off. It’s multitasking without the mom guilt!

  10. The Two-Minute Rule: Small Wins, Big Impact
    If it takes less than two minutes, do it now. Reply to that text, sign that permission slip, toss that junk mail. It’s amazing how these little tasks can pile up and overwhelm us. Knock ’em out fast, and feel like a productivity queen!

  11. And a BONUS one! When you join HBR (Home-Based Revolution), you’ll be able to learn from and hop on calls with my own COO, Danelle Fowler who is BOSS at helping you line this up in the best way you need to for yourself!

There you have it, mama! Ten productivity tips that’ll have you running your empire and your household like a boss. Remember, it’s not about being perfect – it’s about finding what works for you. So, grab that coffee, pick a tip, and start small. You’ve got this!

Now, I’d love to hear from you! Which of these tips resonates most with your mompreneur life? Drop a comment below and let’s chat. After all, we’re all in this crazy, beautiful journey together!

Xo Martha.

How to Monetize Your Expertise: Turning Your Passion into Profit

Hey there, thought leader extraordinaire! You’ve got the expertise, the passion, and the drive to make a difference in your field. But let’s be real – you can’t pay the bills with good vibes and a killer Instagram feed alone. It’s time to turn that brilliance into some cold, hard cash! 

First things first, let’s talk about online courses. You’ve got a wealth of knowledge rattling around in that beautiful brain of yours, so why not package it up and sell it to the masses? Creating an online course is like bottling your genius and shipping it worldwide. Plus, you can do it all from the comfort of your living room, no pants required!

But wait, there’s more! Have you considered coaching programs? People are always looking for a guiding light to help them navigate the murky waters of personal and professional growth. As a thought leader, you can be that beacon of wisdom, holding their hand (virtually, of course) and showing them the way to success. And the best part? You can charge premium prices for your expertise. Ka-ching!

Now, if you’re the type who loves the spotlight (and who doesn’t?), speaking engagements might be your jam. There’s nothing quite like the rush of standing on stage, sharing your insights with a captivated audience. And guess what? People will pay big bucks to hear you speak! So, polish up that keynote, practice your power poses, and get ready to wow the crowd.

But maybe you’re more of a behind-the-scenes kind of thought leader. That’s cool too! Developing digital products is a fantastic way to monetize your expertise without ever having to leave your cozy home office. E-books, templates, worksheets – the possibilities are endless. Package up your knowledge into a shiny, irresistible digital product, and watch the sales roll in.

Of course, monetizing your expertise isn’t all glamour and dollar signs. It takes hard work, strategic planning, and a willingness to put yourself out there. But hey, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it! You’ve got what it takes to turn your passion into profit – all you need is a little guidance and a whole lot of hustle.

So, are you ready to take your expertise to the bank? It’s time to stop playing small and start monetizing your brilliance. Whether you choose online courses, coaching programs, speaking engagements, or digital products (or all of the above!), the world is waiting for what you have to offer. 

And if you need a little help along the way, don’t be afraid to reach out. There are plenty of resources and support systems available to help you navigate the wild world of thought leadership monetization. You don’t have to go it alone!

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to turn that passion into profit and make your mark on the world. Let’s do this! The future is yours for the taking.

Need help? I’ve got you! Check out my resources, courses and programs to see what you want to hop into! If you’re not sure, shoot me an email on the contact form, and I’ll reach out.  Talk soon!



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How to do Affiliate Marketing Without Having to Show Your Face

How to do Affiliate Marketing Without Having to Show Your Face

Let’s call it, a lot of us who work at home, especially Moms who want to take care of their kids and household, are always looking for ways to earn money. One popular way to monetize a website, blog, or social media accounts is through affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing, you earn commissions for promoting products or services, but you don’t have to create those products or services yourself…(I mean, we’ll take it, right?!) . However, some women may feel hesitant to show their face in promotions or content. For example, I have some students that CAN’T show their faces because of the jobs their hubby’s hold, and some just don’t want to because there are weirdo’s online…either way, I totally get it.  Fortunately, you can still succeed in affiliate marketing without showing your face. In this article, I’ll share some tips and strategies to help you do affiliate marketing without showing your face. Ready? Let’s GO!

1. Choose the right niche – If you don’t want to show your face, you should choose a niche that doesn’t require you to be the “face” of your brand. For example, you can choose a niche such as home improvement, beauty, health, or pets. These niches don’t require you to show your face, and you can promote products and services without revealing your identity.

2. Create high-quality content – Content is king when it comes to affiliate marketing. You need to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience. You can create blog posts, videos, social media posts, and other types of content that promote products and services without showing your face. For example, you can create blog posts that offer tips on home improvement, videos that demonstrate beauty tutorials(not face stuff obviously….or use a doll. LOL, just kidding, don’t do that! 🤣 ), or social media posts that showcase pet products. If you’re not sure what content to create, I made a BOSS tutorial walking you through precisely what people are looking for in your chosen niche. Here it is: http://marthaekrejci.com/90.

3. Use stock photos – If you don’t want to show your face, you can use stock photos in your content. Stock photos are professional photos that you can download and use for free or for a fee. You can use stock photos to showcase products or services without revealing your identity. For example, if you’re promoting a health product, you can use stock photos of people exercising or eating healthy foods. My two favorite free stock photo sites are Pixabay and Unsplash .

4. Be transparent – Even if you’re not showing your face, you still need to be transparent with your audience. You should disclose that you’re using affiliate links and that you’ll earn a commission if someone makes a purchase through your link. You can include this information in your blog posts, videos, or social media posts. To find some good verbiage for this, just Google this term, “affiliate marketing disclosure”.

5. Use email marketing – Email marketing is a great way to promote products and services without showing your face. You can create emails that showcase products or services and send them to your email list. You can also include affiliate links in your emails, which can help you earn commissions.

In conclusion, affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money, especially for work at home moms who want to make money from home. If you don’t want to show your face, there are still ways to crush it in affiliate marketing. You need to choose the right niche, create high-quality content, use stock photos, be transparent, and use email marketing. By following these tips and strategies, you can do affiliate marketing without showing your face and still be successful, I promise!

If you haven’t yet taken my free Affiliate Marketing Masterclass on Youtube, that would be your next step to making sales tonight! (for real, it’s happened!)

Let’s GOOOO!!!!!

xo Martha


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The 5 Worst Affiliate Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs

The 5 Worst Affiliate Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs

There’s no doubt about it, affiliate marketing is a great way to make money from home or earn extra side income. As an affiliate marketer, you promote a product or service to a specific audience, and every time someone makes a purchase through your unique affiliate link, you earn a commission. However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. There are plenty of affiliate marketing mistakes that you should avoid if you want to be successful in this industry. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common mistakes made by affiliate marketers and how to avoid them. Grab your notebook, this one is IMPORTANT.

1. Promoting too many products at once:
One common mistake made by affiliate marketers is promoting too many products at once. If you promote too many products, people will start to get confused about what you’re promoting. If you’re going to do this, work it as a personal brand and more of an “oh by the way” as you’re telling a story. But for the serious affiliate programs you’re representing, make sure there are only a few to start with, so you can give good content around them without confusing people. Once you’ve established yourself as a trusted affiliate marketer, you can expand your product range. (I have a free Affiliate Marketing Masterclass that goes WAY in depth on how to do this right. Here’s the link to that on youtube. 

2. Not disclosing affiliate links:
As an affiliate marketer, you NEED to disclose your affiliate links every time you promote a product. It’s not only the ethical thing to do, but it’s also required by law. Make sure to disclose your affiliate links at the very beginning of your content, and clearly indicate that any purchases made through those links will earn you a commission. Disclosing your affiliate links will increase trust between you and your audience. Just google this to grab some good verbiage “affiliate link disclosure”.

3. Focusing solely on commission:
The primary goal of affiliate marketing is to earn a commission, but make sure you’re not ONLY focused on commission. Your focus should be on serving your audience. Provide them with valuable and informative content, and only promote products that you know will be beneficial to them. (Just picture me screaming from the rooftops right now, because it’s THAT IMPORTANT) Your audience will appreciate your honesty, and transparency. AND it will lead to long-term success in your affiliate marketing endeavors, as well as whatever else you want to grow your personal brand into.

4. Not tracking your progress:
Tracking your progress is essential to the success of your affiliate marketing campaign. It helps you understand what’s working and what’s not, so you can make data-driven decisions. It’s important to track metrics such as clicks, conversions, and earnings. By tracking your progress, you can adjust your strategy and improve your results over time. BOOOM! Let’s go, right?!

5. Choosing the wrong affiliate program:
When choosing an affiliate program, make sure to research the company and the product/service they offer. Choose affiliate programs that align with your values and fit within your niche. Don’t just choose a program because of the commission rate. Make sure the affiliate program can provide you with the necessary support and resources to succeed. But also, make sure it makes sense in your brand, specifically make sure it’s something people would expect from you.  Like, let’s be real, if I started sharing about catalytic converters, you would be like…”is she ok?”…don’t make your people wonder if you’re ok or not! 🤣

By avoiding these common  mistakes, you can improve your chances of success in this industry. Remember to always prioritize your audience, track your progress, and choose affiliate programs that align with your values. I can’t wait to watch you WIN!

Oh, and if you’re either brand new, or feel stuck, check out my free Affiliate Marketing Masterclass on YouTube. People are making money right after they watch the hour long video and start implementing! Totally my gift to you! Let’s do this thing!

xo Martha


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Affiliate Marketing Without Money or Followers: A Step-by-Step Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms

Affiliate Marketing Without Money or Followers: A Step-by-Step Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms

Being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job in itself, right? I mean, I get it. I’m a work from home Mom that also homeschools, so I get what it means to be busy. But affiliate marketing is TOTALLY DOABLE if you don’t go doing extra unnecessary steps that don’t help, AND take up all of your day. Let’s break down what works, shall we?

Affiliate marketing is a low-risk, high-reward business model that can help bring in some extra cash without disrupting your daily routine. But what if you don’t have any money to invest or any followers to promote to? That’s where this guide comes in. In this post, I’m going to walk you through how to start affiliate marketing with no money and no followers, specifically for us homeschooling moms who have what seems like a negative amount of hours in the day, if that’s possible. 🤣

Step 1: Choose your niche (or what I like to call, Bat Signal) – To start affiliate marketing, you need to pick a bat signal – a specific topic or area you want to focus on. For stay-at-home moms, a promising bat signal can be homeschooling. It’s a rapidly growing group of folks, with more and more parents opting for homeschooling for their children (thank goodness, right?!). You can find a range of affiliate programs and products related to homeschooling, from curriculum guides to educational tools and resources. By being a niche-specific affiliate marketer, you can build a loyal audience of homeschooling moms who trust your recommendations. (If you want to get more specific about your own bat signal, which I TOTALLY suggest, I have a video here where I walk you through how to discover yours.) https://youtu.be/XpCAPs41Yt0?si=7YEDeh4KmeAM7-iI

Step 2: Pick some products/services to share – Ok, so I see a lot of people do this one backwards, but it’s not really their fault. Every Tom, Dick and Smelly out there peddlin’ affiliate marketing courses say to sign up to an affiliate network, then search for something to sell.  That’s a goofball approach, and isn’t honest, so I’m not going to be teaching that, sound fair? Let’s move with integrity if that’s cool. OK, so what I WOULD DO, is go through your bank statement and credit card statements if you have them…what are the monthly renewals? Write them down. Then go to the Googles, and type in what the product or service is, followed by the words” affiliate program” . NOW, you’re going to see products and services that YOU ACTUALLY USE and sign up for THEIR affiliate programs. It’s really bad form, in my opinion, to suggest something to people that you, yourself don’t even use. Insert immediate skeez….and that ain’t us.

Step 3: Promote through social media – Social media is a powerful tool for affiliate marketing. You don’t need a massive following to start – even a few dedicated followers can make a difference. Pick a social media platform that you already spend time on, such as Facebook or Instagram, and start building your presence. ( I may or may not have a FREE 90 Days to 1 Million Followers thing you can do 🙂 ) Share useful information, tips, and insights related to your bat signal, and don’t forget to include affiliate links when you recommend specific products or services. Always disclose your affiliations to your followers transparently.

Step 4: Leverage SEO through blogging – Blogging is my FAVORITE way to establish yourself as an authority in your bat signal community and attract organic traffic (FYI organic means FREE) to your website. By using search engine optimization techniques, you can rank your blog posts higher on Google and other search engines, which means more visibility and potential sales as your long game. Social media posts have about a 2-4 day shelf life….SEO is FOREVERRRRRR. Write blog posts on topics related to your bat signal and include affiliate links within them. Make sure your content is informative, engaging, and valuable to your target audience. (Ok, I have another thing you may like here…90 Days of Content in 90 Minutes, again, it’s a gift from me, so it’s free. But this one is GOLD. It literally shows you exactly what your bat signal people are wanting to hear about, then you just write blogs on that and Google LOVES YOU, which means they push you to the top….which means your people FIND YOU! Cool, right?!)

Step 5: Create video content – Video content is rapidly becoming the preferred medium for digital marketing. By creating video content related to your bat signal, you can capitalize on this trend and reach a wider audience. You can start a YouTube channel or use platforms like Pinterest or Instagram Reels to share short, snackable videos on bat signal topics.(I have 90 days of prompts for you for these in the gift I mentioned above 90 Days to 1 Million Followers if you’re having a hard time thinking of what to post.) Include affiliate links in your video captions and descriptions. Always make sure your videos are high-quality, engaging, and informative.

Starting affiliate marketing with no money and no followers can seem daunting at first, but it’s entirely possible even for stay-at-home moms. By following these steps and focusing on a niche you’re passionate about, you can build a successful affiliate marketing business from scratch. Remember to be transparent with your affiliations, create high-quality content, and be patient. Affiliate marketing can take time to yield results, but with persistence and perseverance, you can make your dream of earning money from home a reality.

Oh, and if you want to put the pedal to the metal, so to speak, I have a one hour Affiliate Marketing Masterclass on Youtube that has people literally making money right after they watch it and implement.

Til next time!

xo Martha


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