Why People Aren’t Buying Your Stuff

If you’ve ever wondered why people aren’t buying your stuff, then read this blog.

I’ve worked with thousands upon thousands of clients to date and there are a few pretty simple reasons why people aren’t buying your offerings. The good news is that you can do something about it so there’s that.

First thing’s first, if you haven’t added value to your people before starting to offer them anything, that’s likely one reason you’re not selling anything yet. When you work on something in silence and then randomly announce it to everyone, they didn’t know that there was something coming from. It takes a minute for them to shift. You’ve got to be letting people know about what you’re creating as you create it.

Another reason people aren’t buying your stuff is because you’re not telling them about it. Announcing it once is not enough. People need to hear about something 7-15 times before they make a buying decision. Telling them about it once is nowhere near that amount so they’ve likely long forgotten you even have what you’re offering.

A third reason people may not be buying your stuff is because sometimes we create things that people don’t actually want. We should always have the finger on the pulse of our people. We should be able to know what they need. Don’t be creating things just because you think they’re valuable and need to be made. It should be done in service to your people because you’ve identified a need they have.

Part of you giving people value should be done through free content. You’ve got to establish yourself as an authority and expert. It’s crucial to build trust with your people before trying to sell them something.
For more of my thoughts on this go ahead and watch this video.

Jump into my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses.

Have the best day!

“xo Martha

I Want Your Freedom

My job on this planet is to make sure that every family knows how to live a life like mine.

It doesn’t have to look exactly the same, but what I’m referring to is freedom. I want everyone to have the freedom to work from home if that’s what they desire. To do what they want with their kids. To live a life that feels purposeful.
What I know about people is that when they are financially free, when their bills are paid and they have more money coming in than going out, they live from their souls. They start to give back in ways they’ve only dreamed of before. They start to serve their communities and serve their people in ways that man they’ve always wanted to do but they never had the resources to.

You give those people the resources they need and watch this world change.

This is what I’m here for you guys. This is what I believe I was put on the planet for. My heart breaks when I see moms going back to work because they have no other alternative. When I see families breaking apart because of the turmoil that financial stress is having on their lives.

One of my clients had gotten into such a tough spot financially that the thought of letting her family cash in on her life insurance policy crossed her mind. I won’t stand by while this kind of suffering is happening; I can’t. My heart is to see the family restored. I am on a mission to equip as many families as humanly possible to get into a place of financial abundance. When that happens, everything starts.

I delved a little deeper into this in this video.

Feel free to jump into my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses.

Have the best day!

xo Martha

You Have To Know What You Want In Order To Succeed

If you’ve done something once, you can do it again.

This time next year, where do you want to be? Who do you want to be? How do you want to show up in the world and give back? Once you’ve got that dream figured out, what does that require?

I’ll be honest with you—on paper I look like I shouldn’t be here. I barely graduated high school and I went to one semester of college. I was a raging alcoholic. To be successful, you need to see yourself as successful. That’s what I had to do because, like I said, I wasn’t going to be a success on paper.

When you can get focused on your goals and dreams, you get narrowed in and forge a path to get there. You’ve got to keep looking at the mountain in the distance that represents your future life. What are the financial things that it’s going to require for your new life?

Don’t allow for your brain to make it wrong for you to want things. You can want things, there’s nothing wrong with that. It gets dicey when you idolize the “stuff”. But also, who are you going to help? How are you going to serve people with your new finances?

This next six weeks are actually your first six weeks. I want you to know where you’re going over the course of the next year. Say you want $200,000 within the next year. What is it going to take to get that? Do you already have things that you’re selling? Is there a way for you to produce income from home? What are you going to have to create to supplement the income you’re already making?

Take the number you want to make and divide it by twelve to get your monthly goal. Divide that by four to get the weekly goal, then divide that by seven to get your daily goal of how many people you need to affect and connect with daily. If you do that, it won’t be an ambiguous number anymore. It will be a blueprint.

I go into this more over in this video if you want to check it out.

Feel free to jump into my Facebook community where I am helping everyday families start, grow, and scale their home based businesses.

Have the best day!

xo Martha

The Clever Little Challenge That Will Help You Figure Out What You Should Be Doing in Life

The Clever Little Challenge That Will Help You Figure Out What You Should Be Doing in Life

What do you do when you’re not sure about your passion? How do you know what you’re going to do in life? Here’s a challenge that can help you decide.

My job is pretty awesome.

I love what I do. I show up and I empower people to be more of who they are.

Because of that, they’re able to build several income streams by serving others.

But at the same time, my job is heartbreaking.


Well, every single day I come across people who don’t believe in themselves – they just don’t. And I’m not sure if a day has ever passed that I didn’t meet someone like that.

To me, that’s incredibly heartbreaking because I know better.

I know that they only need to believe in themselves and they’ll be able to do whatever they want.

So whenever I run across someone who doesn’t have faith in themselves and don’t see their value, it’s heartbreaking.

It’s also heartbreaking for their families and circle of friends. Because they could have opened this empowerment portal.

They could have been the person who empowers everyone around them from just showing up.

But they don’t have the faith.

They can’t be the person who empowers everyone if they can’t see their worth.

Here’s what I want to know:

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

My Challenge to You

What would your life look like in a world where you couldn’t fail?

What would you do if someone was holding your hand and making sure that you had every resource that you needed to succeed?

How would you show up?

You may not have the answer right now, and that’s okay.

But I want you to take this challenge seriously. I want this idea to challenge your mind.

And then the answer will just come.

Maybe while you’re taking a shower. Or it happens at 3 am, and you’re going to shoot straight up in bed and be like, “That’s my answer!”

In that case, write it down because you’ll forget it – I tell you this by experience.

But what I really want to know is what you would do if you knew you couldn’t fail.

That’s what the Home-Based Revolution can do for you.

I’m not going to let my people in HBR fail. I’m not going to let YOU fail. Does that freak you out? It may freak you out into a fear of success mode where you’re like, “What do I do whenever I’m successful?”

But it’s much better to be afraid of success than to know or feel like you’re a failure.

HBR won’t let you fail. Here’s the deal today…

Enter a World Where You Can’t Fail

#1 Access to Resources and the Ability to Get All Questions Answered

I’ll take care of any questions that you have and any resources that you need.

You’re not signing up for a program where you’re just another number with no real support mechanism. You’ll have weekly momentum calls with me, and I’ll give you the attention that you deserve.

You’re not just a number that gets lost in a bunch of other people who signed up.

#2 Monthly Q&A Sessions

We have monthly Q&A sessions with Brett Odgers, who is our million-dollar author. He’s teaching people how to write a book and build a business around it.

Another session is with James Cooper, who does storytelling and videos. He’ll teach you how to make a great video.

We also have Hashim, who teaches about finances, taxes, bookkeeping, investing.

My superfriends are teaching you everything so you can’t fail!

#3 A Powerful Community to Support You

The only time that people fail in programs like mine is when they get overwhelmed. They feel like they don’t have support.

In that case, I just imagine that everyone has their four-year-old version of themselves. They just needed somebody to hold their hand.

And sometimes, that’s all that anybody really needs. Someone to grab your hand and tell you, “Hey, I got you.”

#4 It Changes the Way Online Learning Works

When I say revolution, I mean revolution.

We are completely changing the way online learning programs operate, thanks to the support mechanism we created.

You can’t fail. All you can say is, “I’m going to invest money in this program and I’m going to get it back. My question is, how much more am I going to get back?”

Let me ask you this.

If you knew you were going to make money back from an investment that could change your entire world, would you do it?

#5 You Learn from Somebody Who’s Tested Everything She Teaches

What I’m teaching isn’t difficult – I’ve tested it.

I’m a marketer, and testing’s what you do as a marketer. You test, test, test, and test.

What you’re essentially getting is my own blueprint. I use it myself because I’ve already tested it and I know that it works.

I’ve also tested the Facebook ads and stuff that all these other people do.

You’re always one funnel away. A lot of people are just trying to accomplish their goal of having an affiliate with ClickFunnels. I actually care about teaching you how to accomplish your goals in business, not mine.

Join the Revolution

Are you ready to experience a world where you can’t fail?

That’s the Home-Based Revolution.

In the program, you get not only all the help and resources that you need to succeed. You also get to be part of an incredible community and have a great support mechanism where you’ll always have someone to hold your hand.

You’ll learn proven strategies that really work because the program is about you and your business.

You don’t have to wonder if you’ll ever see your money back.

The only question is, How much will you get back?

Are you ready to do that?

Email me for more details about joining the HBR.

Have the best day and see you next time!

xo Martha

The One Thing You Can Do to Change Your Entire Life (And 4 Tips for Getting Out of the Victim Mentality)

The One Thing You Can Do to Change Your Entire Life (And 4 Tips for Getting Out of the Victim Mentality)

Success isn’t as complicated as many people think. Discover this one thing that can create success without fail.

We all define success differently.

For some, it’s the money. And for others, it’s a successful business, a happy and fulfilled life, or a variety of other things.

But no matter how you define success, there’s one thing that makes or breaks it. And mastering it means you can thrive in all areas of life.

The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is tiny and massive at the same time. So, what is that one thing that separates the two?

The Simple Thing – Change How You React

It’s the way you react to the things around you.

Where a successful person sees an opportunity, the unsuccessful see a challenge. Worse, they look at it as an obstacle.

You can’t reach your goals if this is how you approach everything in your life. There has to be a profound mindset shift to help you unlock your full potential.

It has to do with getting rid of the victim mentality.

The Victim Mentality Is Your Enemy

In the book Secrets of a Millionaire Mind, I read a line that makes a lot of sense:

“You will never see a successful person play a victim.”

I couldn’t agree more. People who play a victim never win since they believe that life just happens to them. They think that they have no control and are rather at the mercy of outside circumstances.

Is this how you feel?

If so, you’re not alone. The victim mentality is omnipresent, mainly because society breeds it. It tells you that you should feel anxious, angry, and depressed about the way certain things unfold.

Let me tell you this.

You’re the one who’s allowing that to happen! You’re allowing society to tell you how you should feel about certain things in life.

But you can change that.

Trust me, it’s easier to get out of the victim mentality than most people think. Just because you might have developed it doesn’t mean you have to take it to the grave.

Here are some of the most effective tips for you to follow.

1. Take Control of Your Mindset

Many people believe that their mindset is completely fixed. They think that “it’s just the way they are.”

But this is as far from the truth as it can be!

You can choose how you see the world around you. When something happens, you get to decide how you look at it.

This is how you can get out of the victim mentality.

You need to make conscious choices to see the things around you as opportunities. And when something bad happens, you must look into what you can do about it in the future, instead of dwelling on it.

People who refuse to play the victim know how much power and control they have. They know that it’s not about what happens but how they choose to react to it. And why would anyone choose to hurt themselves?

Your mindset doesn’t have to control you. Take the wheel and your whole world will transform.

2. Commit to Not Being a Victim

Again, it’s not your fault if you have a victim mentality. It’s just how the society taught you. The only thing that you did wrong was allow it to manifest in your life.

Luckily, you can change this with a bit of time and effort.

After such a long time of playing the victim, make a commitment to not allow that to happen again. Whatever happens in your life, stop and think if you’re letting the victim mentality creep in. If it is, flip the switch and remember that you are in control.

Do this every time you’re in a situation that has the potential to make you feel like a victim. The more you practice, the more natural it’s going to get. After a while, the victim mentality will just disappear.

3. Prune Your Friend Circle

As much as we like to think of ourselves as independent, that’s not entirely the case. Whether we like it or not, our social circle has an impact on us.

This often happens on a subconscious level that it’s hardly noticeable. But one of these days, you might realize that you’re not the same person anymore.

This can be a good thing if you’ve surrounded yourself with the right people. But all too often this isn’t true. You’re more likely to be in the company of people who complain, gossip, and worry about the lives of others more than their own.

Inevitably, this toxic energy spills onto you.

Once again, don’t allow this to happen!

If you notice this energy in somebody in your life, minimize your contact with them. Get out of the drama and replace such people with those who inspire you.

You’ll notice how much better your life has become.

4. Start Today

Many people with the victim mentality know that they should change their ways. So, why don’t they do it?
It’s because they think they have time.

This isn’t true, however. The more time that you spend playing the victim, the more opportunities will pass you by. Not to mention that you’ll be hurting yourself further.

If you’re going to do it at all, start to change your mindset right now. There’s no reason why not. It’s not like you have to go to college to learn this or spend years figuring it out. You’ve just got to make a decision to do it today!

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Why are you not successful?

If the answer lies in external circumstances, you have a victim mentality. You’re the one who’s standing in your way!

But you can also get out of your way.

Use the tips above to get out of the victim mentality and you can achieve anything that you set your mind on.

If you need any help with this, message my FB Business page to get in touch. I’ll help you build a winner’s mindset.